Is this ACP 8? I looked through your other posts and can't tell... OK line 1712 is
and this is a call into the support library. The library is a big script component (AcquireSupport.wsc) and its errors are returned through the calls into it. It happened somewhere in the autoguiding setup (in the AutoGuide() function of the library). It would have been better for me to see the entire run log so in thue future attach it <- link to attaching instructions. Looking at the run log, it may have happened when ACP tries to tell MaxIm where to look for the guide star.
If it happens again where you can reproduce it at will, we can find out exactly where it is happening and go from there. In ACP Preferences, Debugging tab, enable "pop up message window on AcquireSupport errors". As the warning in that window says, do not leave this on or you will have a pop up stall your system. With this option on, if the error happens you will see a popup with a line and column in AcquireSupport where it happened. That may be enough for us to know what really happened.
Should this be moved out of the pre-sales section to the ACP section? I can do that.