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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tucson AZ

    Default Telescope shows Stopped when actually tracking

    Hi, last night I was training again with ACP and notice that when the plan was running and camera exposing the telescope status was stopped. So I logging into my system and it said serial tracking. This is a Celestron CPC 1100 connected to Sky X. Is it because the mount is not sending something or because it is Alt Az mount. ACP turns off tracking when done with a plan, it is just odd.

    BTW, he is using ver 8 because I figured best to start him out with that, I plan to have him order the Internet version. I assume it does not install 7x in the process, can't remember how I did it, its a email, right? Does he need to register ver 8. He still has about 40 days left. He loves it and started imaging 3 months ago, I sure got him up to speed fast LOL
    Dean Salman
    Deep Sky Remote Observatory

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    The "tracking" signal comes from the mount and its driver, there is no extra logic in ACP. If you're using TheSky as the "driver" then the problem is most likely there. You might want to try the Celestron factory-provided ASCOM driver and hook ACP directly up to that, with TheSky out of the picture. Does that change things?

    BTW, he is using ver 8 because I figured best to start him out with that, I plan to have him order the Internet version. I assume it does not install 7x in the process, can't remember how I did it, its a email, right?
    Great!! Yes, just start with V8. He gets 60 days on his system (assuming he has MaxIm, which is 30 days demo), and when he decides it's a software store order followed by an email with the license.
    -- Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tucson AZ


    that is what I thought, might try the ascom option. I will have him place order next week so he can get on the forum. I will update him to field test 2 as well, which I already did on laptop. If all goes well will upgrade observatory Monday just to be safe
    Dean Salman
    Deep Sky Remote Observatory

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK, sounds good. I would rather trust the factory driver. If it continues then I'll get on and we can diagnose it with a PIPE trace.
    -- Bob



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