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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tucson AZ

    Default My ACP 1st Anniversary.

    May 2015 is my one year with ACP, scheduler came a couple of months later. I was at AIC I think 2008 and said to my friends why would you need all that and it is too expensive. I was using something else at the time. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid….so I suffered 6 years without knowing what ACP offers and what it has done for me. I am the type of person that does not want to let my telescope run itself, even though scheduler does just that. So every few days I look at my schedule, tweak it some, and watch it off and on from PC at night, on my tablet, phone, or now my car video. To date I have had 95 projects completed, these are like 20-30 hours each sometimes. I still have 27 more to do and I am currently letting scheduler manage about 23 working projects with about 75 that are waiting for the right conditions in the year. Imaging is more fun than ever now so I am so glad that jumping in the boat later than never happened. I always recommend others I get started in automation now. Thanks Bob for the product and awesome support it has.
    Dean Salman
    Deep Sky Remote Observatory

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Thank you Dean! It really means a lot to me. We're working on spinning up and freshening our presence out there, so comments like this will be helpful. In the end, it is a person to person world.

    Thanks again.
    -- Bob



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