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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tucson AZ

    Default Scheduler humming along

    Every day I see about 8-12 folders that have 2 to 3 images in there and the images are perfect. Tweaking schedule to meet my needs when clouds are around or the moon is a little brighter than i thought is second hand now. The web interface for me has a new level with my new car. Since it has internet and a display monitor on the dash, I can look at my run while driving on a trip like tonight, OK I will watch the road and pull over if I need to fix something which is rare. But I like running the web interface, even though I don't have to, and see what scheduler is picking up next. Sometimes I need anew image in a project that has been there for a while and say to myself, hey it is doing SH2-16 now, cool
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Dean Salman
    Deep Sky Remote Observatory

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Thank you Dean. I really appreciate the good news.
    -- Bob



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