PS: If need be you can always enter the orbital elements (through the desktop schedule browser), and these come from the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service, put in the designation (2015 AK1) or packed designation (K15A01K), and just click the MPC 1-line radiobutton (no need to fill in anything else). You get back an elements.txt with this (watch out for wrapping, this is really 1-line):

K15A01K 24.4   0.15 K14C9 324.84980  218.63989  315.71839    2.77255  0.5143490  0.43709617   1.7195628  6 E2015-B04    49   1    5 days 0.37 M-v 3Eh MPC        0000         2015 AK1            20150116