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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Marseille, France

    Default Autofocus and Focusmax

    Hi Bob,

    We don't understand something in the ACP focus system. We have installed Focusmax and when we use it autonomously, everything works perfectly. For example, our students point the telescope in a direction of a stars field (not too bright of course) and click on "Focus" button of Focusmax: everything goes perfectly.

    Now we want to focus automatically in ACP. Unfortunately the system fails every time: it tries to find a bright star and it can not (see log attached which is just an example, messages are always the same). Do you have an idea of the bad feature?

    More generally, can we just ask to ACP to focus on the field where telescope points (with a 50 cm, we has enough flux in general)?

    I took the opportunity to ask a more general question: we launch automatically Focusmax. Unfortunately CCD software (Maxim for us) is never defined (we must click on the button every time) and the focuser is never connected automatically. We have done many tests, without success.

    I suspect that my questions are basic, but hey, we must find a good solution and throws me to ask!

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