OK. I take it that you have not seen anyone running the eval license, everyone is just buying it?
I have been struggling with FM3.8 for 9 months now; it randomly loses some internal pointer, giving the dreaded "Object not set" error. I keep installing different versions, but the intermittent problem remains. FM always works fine when run manually, the problem has something to do with the scripting engine. I had been working with Steve, we thought we had found the problem, but in the end I think we fixed some other problem. I have emailed Steve with the current problem interacting with ACP, hopefully we can get by this problem to see if FM4 fixes the original problem.
I recently rebuilt the observatory computer, hoping that fresh windows would clear up some system problem. No success. I wanted to try FM4 to see if it would fix the problem; I am reluctant to straight out buy it if it isn't going to fix the problem, although I suppose in the long run I will need to buy it anyway.
At this point
a) I cannot run FilterOffsets.vbs. FM will crash after 3-5 filters.
b) I cannot run automated imaging runs. As ACP switches filters through the night, FM randomly crashes. I have to check the run every hour or two and restart the run.
Clearly ACP is heavily dependent on FM and Maxim working reliably. FM4 is having issues working with Maxim6, so for the moment FM4 is something of a double whammy. Since neither form of FM (3.8 or 4) seems to work on my system, I may be forced back to manual imaging
Robert Brewington
ACP 8.1 / Win 10 64bit
Tak FSQ106, Paramount MX Mount
SBig ST2000XM, STF8300M/STi