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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Scottsville, Virginia

    Default AP Mount - tracking comes on after script

    I was wondering if adding #trackoff to the end of a flats plan would turn off tracking? On my flats plan using the FlatManXL, once the plan has concluded I see that tracking is turned on for the AP mount. If my last line in the DomeFlat.txt is #TrackOff, shouldn't that eliminate that problem? It's a problem if I'm taking flats late at night and I'm not awake to shut the system down. Or should I use #Shutdown?

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    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    TAK FSQ-106ED
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    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
    Roll off Roof Obs.

    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
    SBIG AC4040BSI
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    The tracking should be turned off after any observing or flat plan ends. There is no need for a #trackoff and the flat plans don't support it anyway. You're doing dome/panel flats, right? I will check this ASAP. Getting closer to beta so I can catch this if it is a real issue...
    -- Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Scottsville, Virginia


    Hey Bob,

    Yes, tracking always seems to be turned on after the completion of my dome flats. I've checked the driver (5.05.31) even though a newer version has just been posted and it seems to me to be properly configured. I usually wait for things to shake out before updating.

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    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    Tak EM200
    AP 92mm Stowaway
    OGS 12.5" RC
    TAK FSQ-106ED
    ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Dual Chip CMOS
    Pyxis 3" Rotator
    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
    Roll off Roof Obs.

    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
    SBIG AC4040BSI
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK, I am testing here with the scope simulator (I don't have an AP). The tracking is turned off as soon as the mount reaches the alt-az at which it needs to be for panel flats (AutoFlatConfig). It remains off for the entire flat process (it has to) and remains off after the flat process completes. If you are seeing the tracking turn on I wonder if you could set up Pipe to capture the ACP to AP traffic? If you don't know how, I can give you details. I think we'll find that ACP is not turning the tracking on though. We won't be certain without an unbiased test though!!
    -- Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Scottsville, Virginia


    I could do this today but will need some instructions. I have squad again tomorrow night (7th Sat) so probably not the best time tomorrow. I'll run this afternoon if I have the info.


    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
    Mach 2
    Tak EM200
    AP 92mm Stowaway
    OGS 12.5" RC
    TAK FSQ-106ED
    ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Dual Chip CMOS
    Pyxis 3" Rotator
    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
    Roll off Roof Obs.

    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
    SBIG AC4040BSI
    SBIG Star Chaser

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mesa, AZ


    We're on for a live session tomorrow early afternoon your time.
    -- Bob

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    The tracking is really coming on at the end of the process (it stays off throughout the flat process incluuding when the flat script ends). The physical cause is within the AP Driver - If the client changes the RightAscensionRate (the offset from sidereal rate) to zero (Telescope.RightAscensionRate = 0), two or so seconds later the Tracking comes on spontaneously. ACP itself, internally, sets the tracking offsets to 0 at the end of a script. It then turns tracking off but only if the script was run by a web user. This also fails with the AP driver because the tracking spontaneously comes on a couple of seconds later.

    I will discuss this with the AP driver developer, but there is probably an argument to be made that changing the tracking rate implies that it should be tracking. Right? The other point if view is that setting the offset rate is telling the mount the speed at which to track whenever it is tracking (... or not). Turning tracking on and off should be via the Tracking property only.

    Apparently this isn't the case with other mounts. If AP convinces me of the error of my ways, I'll do something in 7.2.
    -- Bob

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Denny View Post
    The tracking is really coming on at the end of the process (it stays off throughout the flat process incluuding when the flat script ends). The physical cause is within the AP Driver - If the client changes the RightAscensionRate (the offset from sidereal rate) to zero (Telescope.RightAscensionRate = 0), two or so seconds later the Tracking comes on spontaneously. ACP itself, internally, sets the tracking offsets to 0 at the end of a script. It then turns tracking off but only if the script was run by a web user. This also fails with the AP driver because the tracking spontaneously comes on a couple of seconds later.

    I will discuss this with the AP driver developer, but there is probably an argument to be made that changing the tracking rate implies that it should be tracking. Right? The other point if view is that setting the offset rate is telling the mount the speed at which to track whenever it is tracking (... or not). Turning tracking on and off should be via the Tracking property only.

    Apparently this isn't the case with other mounts. If AP convinces me of the error of my ways, I'll do something in 7.2.
    Bob, at one time ACP was doing operations that were illegal while Tracking=False (and may still be doing that) so I introduced an option in the AP V2 ASCOM driver that turns on tracking whenever a ASCOM operation occurs that would have caused an exception. Although that option can be disabled in the Setup options it may cause other issues during ACP operation.

    In other words, either ACP must not do operations like SetRightAscensionRate while tracking is off or it needs to turn on tracking or handle the potential exception.

    Steve, look for the option I mention above in the Advanced area of the Setup dialog and uncheck it. It says something like "Auto-enable tracking when ASCOM clients send certain commands with tracking disabled (e.g. ACP, CCDAP, TheSky)"



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Scottsville, Virginia


    Thanks Ray,

    I guess I missed it because I was looking at the driver while connected instead of in driver setup.

    Is there anything I should look out for with this option not checked?

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    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    TAK FSQ-106ED
    ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Dual Chip CMOS
    Pyxis 3" Rotator
    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
    Roll off Roof Obs.

    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
    SBIG AC4040BSI
    SBIG Star Chaser

  10. #10


    Hi Steve,

    When that option is not checked the driver will throw an exception when Tracking is off and an ASCOM client tries to send certain ASCOM operations, like SetRightAscensionRate.

    Unfortunately I can't predict which operations an ASCOM client would make and how it would handle an exception if that happens. You could try it and see what happens.




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