I'm starting using ACP7 after installing it in a new PC in my observatory.
Waiting for acceptable weather I started using simulator.
That worked fine, now I'm starting in real conditions and I'm facing some difficulties.
It seams ACP is trying restoring a file from my simulator test, I get this message:
"Logging to C:\Users\Antoine\Documents\ACP Astronomy\Logs\20140809\20140809@205000.log
Initializing AcquireSupport V7.1.4
Telescope is ACP->AstroPhysicsV2, driver V2
MaxIm DL/CCD is version 6.03
Imager is SBIG Universal
Imager readout modes:
0 is Raw
1 is Raw w/RBI pre-flash
Guider is SBIG Universal(External Guide Scope)
Guider plate scale unknown, guided dither with guider pixels
Max unguided exposure 90 sec.
Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 1.65 V = 1.65
Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 92.1 V = 69.6
Using focus offsets and star mags from FilterInfo.txt
Restoring filter and focus position from previous ACP run at 20140729@193509 UTC
Red filter and focus pos 24999
There was a problem initializing the support library:
Un composant ActiveX ne peut pas créer un objet.: 'FocusMax.FocusControl' "
A Active X component can't be created one object: 'FocusMax.Focus control
My maximum RoboFocus focuser position is 9427, and focus position is around 4150.
This value of 24999 was a value from the focuser simulator.
I can't find this file "20140729@193509 UTC"
FocusMax and RoboFocus are working fine alone I made several run successfully.
I have created the Filterinfo.txt file, and added some plans made when using ACP5 in the right folder.
I've no clue.
Thank for your help