I ran the script train corrector to create a pointing model, but I get this error

Initializing AcquireSupport V7.1.4
Telescope is ACP->RC 19, driver V2
MaxIm DL/CCD is version 5.24
Imager is QSI Universal
Imager readout modes:
0 is Image Quality
Guider is SX Universal(External Guide Scope)
Guider plate scale unknown, guided dither with guider pixels
Max unguided exposure 30 sec.
Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 0.55 V = 0.55
Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 30.3 V = 22.8
Restoring filter and focus position from previous ACP run at 20140531@032936 UTC
IR filter and focus pos 1012
All-sky plate solving will be attempted when needed
Beginning training run at 03:36:38 UTC
Start slew to Map-001...
Az = 154 Alt = 82
(wait for slew to complete)
(slew complete)
Acquiring mapping point...
(taking 30 sec. exposure, IR filter, binning = 4)
(using Image Quality readout mode)
(starting exposure)
(exposure complete and image downloaded)
**Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
Source: MaxIm DL 5
Message: Could Not Save File at line 373 column 9.
Script Context:
370: ' TakePointingImage may leave the scope at offset coordiantes,
371: ' so we cannot recover the raw scope coordinates until afterward!
372: '
=> 373: If Not SUP.TakePointingImage(tn, fn, RightAscension, Declination, 0.0) Then
374: AcquireMapPoint = False
375: Exit Function ' FAILED, JUST RETURN
376: End If
-- end --