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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA

    Default Problems using newer versions of FocusMax


    I had a major anomaly last night, and can’t get ACP working at all. In a nutshell, whenever you try to do an autofocus three things happen:

    1) ACP logs a Microsoft VBScript runtime error, Message: Input past end of file at line 810 column 5. (See Document 1, ACP Log)
    2) The ACP Console reports: **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error, Message: Input past end of file at line 40 column 5. (See Document 2, ACP Console)
    3) FocusMax Log reports: ** Telescope is not connected **. (See Document 3.)

    So, for some reason, FocusMax is reporting that it cannot connect to the telescope. I tested this, and there is no physical connection problem. MaximDL can connect to the telescope, FocusMax can connect to the telescope, and when I click the “Focus” button within FocusMax, FocusMax is working fine. So each program can connect to the telescope. But when I connect the Camera and Telescope to ACP, the connection between FMax and the telescope is not taking place.

    I’ve upgraded to ACP 7.1d, and am wondering if there is a driver problem somewhere. But, in a nutshell, Maxim and FocusMax have no problem connecting to the telescope. But when ACP connects everything together, FocusMax doesn’t seem to be getting the telescope information that it needs. The problem is easy to test. If ACP is connected and you try to run the autofocus.vbs script, it hangs every time.

    This all occurred when I was trying to test the ACP Scheduler last night. When the error occurs, ACP seemed to stop but did not close the dome. So I’m wondering why that didn’t happen, but that’s a separate question.



    Document 1. ACP Log: This occurs when you try to do an autofocus through ACP

    ACP console log opened 09-May-2014 02:15:19 UTC
    This is ACP version 7.2 (build 1, In-progress not released)
    Licensed to Robert Capon
    02:15:19 This is AcquireScheduler V3.6.3
    02:15:19 [PreFlip=300 PostFlip=120 AF=180 PU=60]
    02:15:19 Hardware GEM pier side reporting is available.
    02:15:21 Initializing AcquireSupport V7.1.4
    02:15:21 Weather safe, server is AAG_ACPWeatherFeed (v7.20)
    02:15:21 Telescope is ACP->TheSky, driver V2
    02:15:21 Dome is Digital DomeWorks
    02:15:21 MaxIm DL/CCD is version 5.24
    02:15:21 Imager is SBIG Universal
    02:15:21 Autoguiding is disabled
    02:15:21 Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 0.65 V = 0.65
    02:15:21 Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 43.3 V = 28.9
    02:15:21 Using focus offsets and star mags from FilterInfo.txt
    02:15:21 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
    02:15:21 Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    02:15:21 Message: Input past end of file at line 810 column 5.
    ACP console log closed 09-May-2014 02:15:29 UTC

    Document 2. ACP is reporting this in the console:

    Initializing AcquireSupport V7.1.4
    Weather safe, server is AAG_ACPWeatherFeed (v7.20)
    Telescope is ACP->TheSky, driver V2
    Dome is Digital DomeWorks
    MaxIm DL/CCD is version 5.24
    Imager is SBIG Universal
    Autoguiding is disabled
    Calculated unbinned plate scales (arcsec/pix): H = 0.65 V = 0.65
    Calculated field of view (arcmin): H = 43.3 V = 28.9
    Using focus offsets and star mags from FilterInfo.txt
    **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
    Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
    Message: Input past end of file at line 40 column 5.

    Document 3. FocusMax Log: Here’s the corresponding FocusMax Log

    07:33:02 FocusMax Version
    07:33:02 ASCOM Platform = 6.0
    07:33:02 Regional setting: United States (decimal = '.')
    07:33:02 PinPoint is connected
    07:33:02 System is RCOS w STL11000_4-1-2014_V cuves w Denny Suggestions
    07:33:03 MaxIm DL 5 Error 65535: Could Not Initialize Camera
    Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled
    07:33:03 MaxIm DL 5 Error 65535: Could Not Initialize Camera
    Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled
    07:33:03 MaxIm DL 5 Error 65535: Could Not Initialize Camera
    Module modComponents Property Let camLinkEnabled
    07:33:03 Focuser: RoboFocus is connected
    07:33:03 Focuser: RoboFocus is an Absolute Focuser
    07:33:03 Position = 5562 Temp = -999.0
    07:33:03 Temp. compensation available = False
    07:33:03 ** Telescope is not connected **
    07:33:03 NOVAS-COM Vector Astrometry Engine is connected
    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    1) ACP logs a Microsoft VBScript runtime error, Message: Input past end of file at line 810 column 5. (See Document 1, ACP Log)
    2) The ACP Console reports: **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)** Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error, Message: Input past end of file at line 40 column 5. (See Document 2, ACP Console)
    This is a known weakness in 7.1 and happens from (usually) a task manager or other kill of ACP leaving the "last known filter selection and focus position" file, corrupted. I have an item to make this more robust as it has happened a few other times to others. To get past this, delete the file

    Public Documents\ACP Config\FilterState.txt

    This is not a routine problem, it only happens when ACP is killed with the Task Manager etc. In the next release I will ignore errors from corruption and just delete the file myself. It just means that ACP wasn't able to record that data because it got killed. I did not imagine the scenario(s) which left it corrupted. It isn't left corrupted during routine operation.

    3) FocusMax Log reports: ** Telescope is not connected **. (See Document 3.)
    I'm seeing camera connection problems. As far as that ***Telescope is not connected*** message, maybe it isn't connected. Do you have it set for AutoConnect in FocusMax? If not did you connect it manually and then it got disconnected? I strongly suggest AutoConnect so FMx can just start up and do its work without operator intervention. Or are you even using AcquireStar? If so did you maybe test AcquireStar ahead of time? If not you don't need a telescope connection.

    The scheduler is in control of the dome, so it opens it in the evening, closes/reopens it for any weather interrupts, and closes it in the morning. Keep in mind that Scheduler accepts work 24/7 and if it's night, a new request will be acted on. So your obs stays open for business as long as weather permits.
    -- Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA



    OK, that worked. I deleted the file and ACP came back to life. This happened when I was testing the Scheduler. It did an autofocus, and then there was an anomaly and the Robofocus control box went off line. Not sure why that happened.

    When it occured, though, the Dispatcher interrupted its activities for the night. HOWEVER, THE DOME STAYED OPEN. I would have thought that if the Scheduler went off line and ACP found an error of the magnitude where it would stop observing, that the Telescope would have been disconnected and the dome would have been closed. Or, at a minimum, the dome would clove and the Telescope would stop tracking.

    Can you tell me what the normal behavior would be for ACP and the Scheduler after an anomaly? If it had rained and the dome was open, the last lines of defense would be a Weather Safety Script, and if that didn't work, a close command from the weather sensor.


    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA



    This problem has reared it's head again. Whenever I do an autofocus through FocusMax (by pushing the Focus button) it works fine, focuses and stays online. Whenever i do an autofocus through ACP (as part of a Plan, or by running Autofocus.vbs), the autofocus goes OK then the focuser gets disconnected. When that happens:

    --FocusMax reports an ASCOM link problem to the focuser
    --ACP reports an error in the console
    --FocusMax shows a blank instead of the focuser position
    --The FilterState file is recreated with the number "3" in it, and ACP goes offline

    So for some reason, focus is OK without ACP 100% of the time, and fails with ACP 100% of the time. I ran it both ways 5 times tonight, and it always fails with ACP and only with ACP. There is no discernable hardware problem. FocusMax can reacquire the COM link, as can the Robofocus software program.

    Below is the ACP console readout and the FocusMax log after a run through ACP.



    ACP Console Readout after a focus:

    Focus time = 73 sec
    Auto-focus Completed
    FocusMax auto-focus
    HFD = 5.39
    Focus position = 5545
    Slewing back to
    original position...
    Start slew to AF return...
    **Script Error (Tracking
    has been stopped)**
    Source: FocusMax
    Message: Object variable or With
    block variable not set at line 61 column 5.

    FocusMax Log

    21:41:31 FocusMax Version
    21:41:31 ASCOM Platform =
    21:41:31 Regional setting: United States (decimal = '.')
    PinPoint is connected
    21:41:31 System is RCOS w STL11000_4-1-2014_V cuves w
    Denny Suggestions
    21:41:32 MaxIm DL/CCD V 5.24 is the Imaging
    21:41:32 Camera: SBIG Universal
    21:41:32 Camera number:
    21:41:32 Focuser: RoboFocus is connected
    21:41:32 Focuser: RoboFocus
    is an Absolute Focuser
    21:41:32 Position = 5553 Temp =
    21:41:32 Temp. compensation available = False
    21:41:32 **
    Telescope is not connected **
    21:41:32 NOVAS-COM Vector Astrometry Engine
    is connected
    21:44:57 ** Beginning Focus Run
    21:44:58 FocusMax Version:
    21:44:58 System: RCOS w
    STL11000_4-1-2014_V cuves w Denny Suggestions
    21:44:58 Camera: SBIG
    21:44:58 LS: -0.114521 RS: 0.114526 PID: 5.07
    Min/Max flux setting = 100/1000K
    21:44:58 Min/Max exp. setting =
    21:44:58 Flux target = 316228
    21:44:58 Using arithmetic
    21:44:58 Move direction: Out
    21:44:58 Filter = Luminance (slot
    21:44:58 Current position = 5553
    21:44:58 NearFocus HFD:
    21:44:58 Focus Start: 5376
    21:45:02 Find star binning =
    21:45:02 Initial exposure = 0.5
    21:45:20 Target star found X: 1000
    Y: 665 Flux: 324043 HFD: 30.32
    21:45:20 Focus binning = 1x1
    Total Flux = 618571, next exposure = 0.26 sec
    21:45:34 Target star found
    at X = 1989, Y = 1327 Flux = 312819
    21:45:35 Max pixel = 2215 Count =
    21:45:35 Focus exposure will be 0.26 sec
    21:45:35 Position , HFD ,
    Mean Best Focus , X , Y , Flux
    21:45:36 5376 20.45 0 1989 1327
    21:45:44 5422 14.86 0 1989 1325 299639
    21:45:45 On correct
    side of focus
    21:45:45 Move to Near Focus HFD (10)
    21:45:45 Taking 3
    additional readings
    21:45:49 5422 13.79 0 1988 1326
    21:45:52 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak; increasing
    frame size
    21:45:52 Increasing frame width
    21:45:58 5422 14.63 0
    1988 1327 312176
    21:46:03 5422 15.66 0 1989 1326
    21:46:04 Average HFD = 14.74
    21:46:10 Star is too close to
    frame edge or is too weak; increasing frame size
    21:46:11 Increasing frame
    21:46:17 5463 10.00 0 1988 1325 318578
    21:46:17 ** Starting
    Near Focus **
    21:46:17 Position , HFD , Mean Best Focus , X , Y ,
    21:46:18 5463 10.00 5548 1988 1325 318578
    21:46:24 5463
    10.17 5549 1989 1328 313561
    21:46:30 5463 10.62 5550 1990 1328
    21:46:36 5463 10.27 5550 1991 1327 315385
    21:46:42 5463
    12.15 5553 1990 1326 307504
    21:46:43 Best Focus is: 5553
    Moving to 5553
    21:46:52 5553 04.30 5553 1993 1329 313476
    Position = 5553 Mean HFD = 4.30
    21:46:53 Temperature =
    Focus time = 116 sec
    21:46:53 Auto-focus Completed
    21:46:59 ASCOM
    Focuser: Link fail
    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Virgil, NY


    Hi Rob,

    Two questions:

    1) You are using FMax version When did you install this, did you have trouble before installing this, and did you ever have successful runs after you installed this? (that's one question, believe it or not)

    2) Do you start FocusMax prior to starting ACP, so that is is running continuously, or do you rely on ACP to start up FocusMax each time it's needed?

    I use an earlier version of FMx, so the log file is a bit different, but one difference I note is that I do not use temperature compensation whereas you do. You could try turning off temperature compensation so see if that matters.

    If you have an earlier version of FMax, you try replacing the cureent focusmax.exe file with the earlier one - save the latest one somewhere and then write it over with the earlier one.

    Just some thoughts.
    Pier-mounted Meade 12-inch SCT "classic"
    Optec TCF-S focuser
    SBIG CFW-8A and ST7-XME
    H-alpha, BVRI, RGB & Clear filters
    FOV ~15’ x 10’

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Virgil, NY


    Also, in the FocusMax Options menu I only have the camera to auto-connect. Don't know if that's a factor...
    Pier-mounted Meade 12-inch SCT "classic"
    Optec TCF-S focuser
    SBIG CFW-8A and ST7-XME
    H-alpha, BVRI, RGB & Clear filters
    FOV ~15’ x 10’

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA



    I had one other anomaly last night, and I wonder if it could be related to the focus problem reported above. During one of my Focuser tests, ACP reported that a slew was attempted but Digital Domeworks reported that the DSR appears to be open. I called Technical Innovations, and they reminded me that the DSR position is unknown unless the dome is in the home position. That's because the shutter relay box only gets voltage in the home position. When ACP reported the problem, the dome was not home (I was inside of the dome working on the focus problem.) The problem only happened once. The Scheduler ran successfully for the rest of the night, and the DSR problem didn't occur again. But I have to be 100% confident that the dome will close in case of a weather safety script.

    So the Focuser is disconnecting after an autofocus through ACP only, and ACP reported a stray DSR problem when the dome was not home. I don't know if these could be related.



    5470 10.07 0 2004 1337 325672
    ** Starting Near Focus **

    Position , HFD , Mean Best Focus , X , Y , Flux
    5470 10.07 5555 2004
    1337 325672
    5470 10.84 5559 2003 1337 300095
    5470 09.92
    5557 2004 1336 309110
    5470 09.86 5556 2004 1336 309535
    09.94 5556 2006 1336 310602
    Best Focus is: 5556
    Moving to
    [Slew attempted but the Dome Support Ring
    appears to be open.]
    [This is not an ACP problem]
    Source: ACP
    Message: The script was aborted. at line 61 column 5.
    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA



    That's a really great thought. I updated FocusMax in early April, but because of the long stretch of cloudy weather, I hadn't run the observatory until my May 4 posting which is the first time this problem occured (I thought it was because the control box fell off the pier, but now I don't think that was the problem since the power was still connected.)

    So, in answer to your question, this never happened before I upgraded FocusMax, and it hasn't worked (through ACP) since the upgrade. I think that's a great thought.

    Also, my routine is to startup FocusMax myself. So I start the camera, connect it, chill it, and then launch FocusMax. At that point I connect ACP.


    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    The DSR Open error is coming from DDW. ACP does not specifically check DSR as it is specific to the DDW control system and not a part of the standard Dome interface. ACP probably tried to slave-slew the dome and failed witht hat being the reason (in text) reported by DDW. I found this post as part of a DDW-related discussion with Matt Russell. He said that he updated the DDW driver and the ring open problem seemed to go away.

    Just a gentle hint: The title of this thread is "Focuser not working through ACP..." and we're talking about dome ring open problems. If you start fresh threads for each topic of discussion, with a subject line that says something about the problem, you can help attract people who may know something about the problem. Sometimes they'll get back to you faster than me, and sometimes they'll have the answer when I don't!
    -- Bob

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Charlottesville, VA


    Hi Bob:

    Thanks. You might have missed the fourth message: "Bob, This message has reared it's head again..." Can you take a look at that and let me know if you have any other suggestions. In a nutshell, FocusMax focuses like a champ when I directly click the "Focus" button in that application. But when I focus through ACP (either through the AutoFocus.vbs script, or as part of another script) the focuser goes off line. Details and run logs are posted in the 4th message above.

    Dick Berg suggested it might be the installation of a new version of FocusMax. I've installed the old version, but can't test it until the weather clears. Do you have any other suggestions.

    As always, thanks.

    Rob Capon
    (Self-appointed) "Executive Director"
    Stillhouse Mountain Observatory
    Charlottesville, VA
    RCOS 12.5 with SBIG STL11000M
    Televue NP101is with SBIG ST8300
    Paramount ME with SkyX
    Techn. Innovations PD10 with Digital Domeworks
    ACP with MaximDL and FocusMax



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