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  1. #1

    Default Error from PinPoint - CatalogMinimumMagnitude out of range

    I am a new user just getting things set up. I have come across two problems with Pinpoint:

    (1) Error message "18:13:20 ** Image not available (after waiting 00.00 sec) **
    18:13:21 MaxIm.CCDCamera Error 32768: Exposure by MaxIm DL failed after being successfully started.
    Module modComponents sub TakeImage"

    The script subsequently gives up on plate solving. Is there a parameter I have not set up correctly (seems to be zero) that tells Pinpoint how long to wait for Maxim to deliver the image?
    I have attached the full log file for info.

    (2) The other problem is illustrated in this extract from the log:

    18:35:44 Field search = 4 x 4 degrees
    18:35:46 12 potential target stars found
    18:35:47 Catalog = 5
    18:35:47 Catalog path = D:\USNO_A2
    18:35:48 ArcsecPerPixelHoriz = 600
    18:35:49 ArcsecPerPixelVert = 600
    18:35:49 CatalogMinimumMagnitude = -3
    18:35:50 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 4
    18:35:50 RightAscension = 19.8689112962963
    18:35:51 Declination = 52.2813222222222
    18:35:51 PinPoint.Plate error: The value is out of range.: CatalogMinimumMagnitude (-2147220452)

    This error happens multiple times but does not seem to be fatal. There are a few things I don't understand here, such as the ArcsecPerPixel values. But my main question is - why is it objecting to the catalog minimum magnitude? I have attached an image of my AcquireStar setup, assuming these catalog magnitudes were derived from the Target Star Selection box.

    Any advice gratefully received.


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Hi Peter --

    Both of these errors are happening within FocusMax. I might suggest you tell ACP not to use AcquireStar for the time being. Some things are not set right there. Or you can work with AcquireStar using FocusMax by itself (ACP not running) until you can get it to work. On the error, change the Use Stars From in FocusMax AcquireStar setup, PinPoint tab, fro -3 to -2. PinPoint has a low/bright limit of -2. After that, AcquireStar might just work!

    18:12:45 CatalogMinimumMagnitude = -3
    18:12:45 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 4
    18:12:45 RightAscension = 19.1135055555556
    18:12:45 Declination = 36.1280583333333
    18:12:45 PinPoint.Plate error: The value is out of range.: CatalogMinimumMagnitude (-2147220452)
    18:12:47 Target stars = 2
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Hi Bob

    Thanks for the reply. I will raise these issues in the FmaxUG forum. However I did test Acquirestar as you suggested, without ACP, and it worked fine.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    That's strange... PinPoint does not adjust the CatalogMinimumMagnitude in FocusMax. In any case we need to know what causes that FM message.
    -- Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    What was the outcome of this? I'd like to close it.
    -- Bob

  6. #6


    Hi Bob
    It's not resolved yet. I had 2 issues with Fmax. Posted the first nearly a month ago (FMaxUG msg #10255) but have had no response. I was waiting to solve that one before raising the catalogminimummagnitude because I don't like to pepper user groups with multiple issues (in case they're related for one thing). I haven't chased because the dratted English weather has prevented me doing anything for the past few weeks. Close it if you like - I can always raise a new thread if it recurs.


  7. #7


    Hi again Bob

    Just by way of an update, I've had an answer from Steve Brady that confirms your earlier diagnosis that the bright limit is -2, hence -3 was causing the out-of-range error. (The reason I had it set to -3 was because I could not make sense of the help info for those fields, and thought Bright might hold an offset from the Target Min value rather than an absolute value).
    I have also found that the other error message I raised in this thread (I will never again put more than one error in a thread) originates in the Maxim camera object, so I suspect Maxim may have lost connectivity with the camera.
    So by all means close this thread.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK, thanks!! And I appreciate your understanding about catch-all threads.
    -- Bob



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