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  1. #1

    Default Error from PinPoint - CatalogMinimumMagnitude out of range

    I am a new user just getting things set up. I have come across two problems with Pinpoint:

    (1) Error message "18:13:20 ** Image not available (after waiting 00.00 sec) **
    18:13:21 MaxIm.CCDCamera Error 32768: Exposure by MaxIm DL failed after being successfully started.
    Module modComponents sub TakeImage"

    The script subsequently gives up on plate solving. Is there a parameter I have not set up correctly (seems to be zero) that tells Pinpoint how long to wait for Maxim to deliver the image?
    I have attached the full log file for info.

    (2) The other problem is illustrated in this extract from the log:

    18:35:44 Field search = 4 x 4 degrees
    18:35:46 12 potential target stars found
    18:35:47 Catalog = 5
    18:35:47 Catalog path = D:\USNO_A2
    18:35:48 ArcsecPerPixelHoriz = 600
    18:35:49 ArcsecPerPixelVert = 600
    18:35:49 CatalogMinimumMagnitude = -3
    18:35:50 CatalogMaximumMagnitude = 4
    18:35:50 RightAscension = 19.8689112962963
    18:35:51 Declination = 52.2813222222222
    18:35:51 PinPoint.Plate error: The value is out of range.: CatalogMinimumMagnitude (-2147220452)

    This error happens multiple times but does not seem to be fatal. There are a few things I don't understand here, such as the ArcsecPerPixel values. But my main question is - why is it objecting to the catalog minimum magnitude? I have attached an image of my AcquireStar setup, assuming these catalog magnitudes were derived from the Target Star Selection box.

    Any advice gratefully received.


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