I am beginning now to seriously configure my ACP to use it in real world (not the simulators).
First a description of my Hw: I have a MI250 Mount with Gemini 1 Level 4, and a Vixen VMC260 on top of it with a Atik 383L imaging cam and filter wheel, and a OAG with lodestar for guiding.
Until now, I was using Maxim for pointing, guiding, and capturing, FocusMax for focusing and pinpoint in order to refine the pointing. All with (I think) Very good results.

Today I tried to use ACP instead, but I got two issues:
1.-Using the single image script (from web interface) in order to see ACP working, I selected NGC 253 as target and a single 300 seconds image using red filter.
The problem was that the mount instead of pointing to NGC 253, it pointed 20 or 30 degrees more to the Nord. ( I tried this two times with same consistent result) I checked the declination, and setting was consistent with Maxim an Gemini.

2.- The second issue was that after the pointing, Nothing happened, so I looked into the log, an saw that ACP was waiting for about 10000 seconds for a Meridian Flip?

I suppose that I have configured something wrong, but I can't figure what.
After these issues, I closed ACP and resumed imaging with maxim (no issues).

My Observatory is at Santiago, Chile (southern hemisfere).

Please give me a hint.