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  1. #1

    Default FocusMax not seeing PinPoint at all (was: AutoFocus Failure)

    Hi Bob,

    I am still under the impression of the great session we had together a week ago to resolve various ACP operation and scripting issues I had (by the way, I regained my voice since... :-))

    I have been to the Wise Observatory and had an opportunity to test the various parts of automation in person. Everything seems to function well (there are a few glitches, mainly hardware issues, which are being dealt with at present).

    There was one item I wanted to consult with you about. Both AcquireImages.js and AutoFocus.vbs failed when trying to do an automatic focus. FocusMax reports back that a license for the full version of PinPoint is required, which we don't have at present.

    Is this a must? I noticed that in FocusMax / Features / AcquireStar / Setup / Center Star, you have an option to select: None, Auto or PinPoint. If you select 'None", then 'AcquireStar Enable' checkbox is not checked. However, when either the AcquireImages or AutoFocus scripts are run, this checkbox gets checked automatically.

    What is the meaning of this selection? Is it mandatory for operating FocusMax through ACP? Finally, does this mean that we have to purchase a copy of the full version of PinPoint for it to work?

    I am using FocusMax Version

    Many thanks, Bob!

    Best regards,

    Ilan Manulis
    The Wise Observatory

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    The presence of a registered ACP on the same system should be enough to allow the full PinPoint to function. You do not need a separate PinPoint license, but you do need either a full PinPoint license or you need ACP on that same system, in order to use FocusMax AcquireStar. Since your plate solves are working in ACP, PinPoint is seeing the ACP license as a full license. It's really quite simple. Is this message coming from FocusMax itself? Would you please attach a screen shot and/or a FocusMax log with the actual error popup or message or both?
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Dear Bob,

    Granted, the C-28 system is using a licensed copy of ACP Version 7.0!

    Yes, the message is coming from FocusMax. I (or someone else capable of doing it) will not be at the observatory for a week now, so taking a screen capture of the error message will be deferred until then. But I have included hereby a FocusMax log file (20130717_213611.log) which exhibits this behavior.

    In the meantime, I have upgraded FocusMax at the observatory from version (Beta) to version I hope this will resolve the issue, but again the answer will have to wait for a week now.

    Many thanks!

    Best regards,

    Ilan Manulis
    The Wise Observatory
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    This looks like FocusMax is not even seeing that PinPoint is installed. This is not a PinPoint error message, and it is not related to the licensing of PinPoint. I don't know under what circumstances FocusMax would produce this error.

    I'm moving this to the FocusMax section of the Comm Center.
    -- Bob



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