I started a plan last night and the first thing it had was to wait until later to open the roof. I started the plan about an hour before this event from the console and I wasn't in the obs to watch the roof open. I saw after the time of roof open that it didn't open. The log said it had waited 5 minutes for the roof to open and then aborted the plan. I had this problem a couple of weeks before.
Just now I started a plan at 6:30 with a roof open at 7:45 and when the plan started it started the mount tracking. I had a feeling the last couple of times that this was why the roof didn't open due to the interlocks on the mount. I aborted the plan, parked the mount and restarted the plan and the tracking didn't start as it did before.
It seems that when I power up, connect all the items and then start a plan that has a wait, the mount starts tracking and then by the time the wait is up it's not going to open the roof due to being an unsafe condition. I attached the plan from tonight and the log but the log doesn't show anything about the tracking but I definitely witnessed it. It seems after a park and restart of the plan it's fine. Thanks.