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  1. #1

    Question Autofocus has stopped working

    Hi all,

    Autofocus has bizarelly decided to stop working.
    I've attached the logs from FocusMax from the last night it was working (20120822) and the log seen the next day (20120823). All other logs from then onwards match and seem to suggest that the issue may be pinpoint related.

    FocusMax does work when I run it manually but not when ACP interracts with it.

    Any ideas?

    Attached Files Attached Files

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    NASA ADS link

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Something has happened to the PinPoint installation. You'll have to ask what the meaning of this sequence is on the FocusMax forum (Yahoo FmaxUG)

    02:21:43 PinPoint error modPinPoint sub ppSetup
    02:21:43 Catalog = 3
    02:21:43 Catalog path = C:\GSC11
    02:21:43 Minimum brightness = 200
    02:21:43 Sigma above mean = 4
    02:21:43 Catalog min mag = -2
    02:21:43 Catalog max mag = 20
    02:21:43 Max solve time = 60
    02:21:43 Catalog expansion = 0.300000011920929
    02:21:43 Min star size = 2
    02:21:43 Exclusion border = 4
    02:21:43 Min match stars = 0
    02:21:43 Could not setup PinPoint

    Try running Visual PinPoint? Does that work?
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Hi Bob,

    Thanks, I'm now waiting to join the yahoo group.

    The problem only seems to occur when ACP calls FocusMax.
    If I run it manually then all works as normal.

    I've just performed a test plate solve (first time using visual pinpoint) and it spits out results that seem correct.
    Plate solving during images also works.


    PIRATE: A Remotely-Operable Telescope Facility for Research and Education:

    NASA ADS link

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Then look at the PinPoint settings in FocusMax. It is clearly failing to plate solve:

    21:35:42 Binning = 1
    21:35:42 Taking 3 sec pointing exposure
    21:36:00 69 catalog stars found
    21:36:04 452 plate image stars found
    21:36:05 ** Plate solved **
    21:36:05 Roll ang.= 65.905944 Plate scale = 0.12V 0.08H
    21:36:05 Plate(J2000) RA : 20:21:02.9 Dec: 51° 43' 54.2"
    21:36:05 Plate(Topo) RA : 20:21:23.5 Dec: 51° 46' 31.8"
    21:36:05 Current pointing: RA 20:21:23.5 Dec 51° 46' 31.8"

    02:21:27 Binning = 1
    02:21:27 Taking 3 sec pointing exposure
    02:21:43 PinPoint error modPinPoint sub ppSetup

    [... dump of apparently correct PinPoint settings...]
    02:21:43 Could not setup PinPoint
    02:21:43 Acquire Star not completed

    I just don't know the true meaning of "PinPoint error modPinPoint sub ppSetup" - A report of the actual error message and source of the error would be most helpful.
    -- Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK, I just got off the phone with Steve Brady, who called for my experiences giving an AIC workshop. He's giving one for FocusMax this year. After we talked about that, I asked him about this. He didn't know except that "it couldn't connect to PinPoint". I asked what "connect" meant, and he explained "create an instance of PinPoint". Well we know that PinPoint can be created, as Visual PinPoint and ACP (both of which use that engine) can do it according to your tests, so it is there and registered for use. Something about having AcquireStar started by script command is different compared to starting it via the button on the FocusMax window. I have no way to know as FocusMax is not my software.

    Post on FMaxUG and perhaps they can help. Steve is not an admin, he does not approve memberships (he told me while we were talking). At the moment I'm unable to give you more info.
    -- Bob

  6. #6


    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the help. I finally got to the bottom of the problem; somehow the plate scale settings in FocusMax being reported to pinpoint went haywire and resulted in the error.

    To quote Steve Brady on the FocusMax group:
    The error message relates to parameters that are required for PinPoint. I looked
    through the code and matching up with the parameters written to the log -
    please verify that you have the correct plate scale (arc-sec/pixel) on the
    AcqaurieStar PinPoint tab.
    For future reference here is a link to the topic on the FocusMax group:


    PIRATE: A Remotely-Operable Telescope Facility for Research and Education:

    NASA ADS link

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    A change in focal length (adding a focal reducer) or pixel size (imager change) could have done it.
    -- Bob



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