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  1. #1

    Default Parking Paramount with TheSky X does not complete


    I find that during #shutdown, the scope is disconnected just before the scope is fully parked. It almost parked, but the disconnection prevents park completion and the roof (foster system controlled) cannot close. If I reconnect and select park in the SkyX, parking completes and the roof can close.

    Since you put a wait in of about 40 sec before closing the roof, could you keep the SkyX/Paramount connected for an additional say 10 sec. As it stands now, my roof is often not closing.

    Thanks, Dick

    ACP, SkyX, Paramount ME, Maxim, FM, FosterSystems controlling a roll-off roof.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Interesting. When you park the paramount in TheSky X does it disconnect after it completes parking? ACP doesn't disconnect on park. As an experiment, move the scope a long way from park position and then park it from TheSky (with ACP completely shut down). What happens?
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Denny View Post
    Interesting. When you park the paramount in TheSky X does it disconnect after it completes parking? No, only if ACP parks the scope.

    ACP doesn't disconnect on park. As an experiment, move the scope a long way from park position and then park it from TheSky (with ACP completely shut down). What happens?
    Bob, the scope parks correctly. When ACP does a #shutdown, the scope almost parks, and then the scope is disconnected I assumed by ACP. If I manually connect the skyX and park, the ACP completes shutdown and the roof closes as expected.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK, so I'm going to have to get on to your system and run tests. ACP does not disconnect on park. Something is going on that I will have to find. Unfortunately, I will be out of the office for the rest of this week at the SAS/AAVSO conference and I am not taking a PC this time. I will be back in the office after Memorial Day. We can arrange it then. It can be tested during the day assuming your mount clears your dome/roof or you can open safely.

    Please contact me at 480 396 9700 after the Mem Day weekend to arrange a schedule.
    -- Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Oh, one thing... make sure you have the latest TheSky Controlled Telescope driver (5.2.7).
    -- Bob

  6. #6


    Bob, this issue for both crashing and parking posts was my using dropbox for my images, run plan and log since I like to keep these together in one folder. YOur suggestion that something was locking the plan during run was right on. I moved the plan out of the dropbox and the plan ran to completing, parked correctly and closed the roof. Thanks for the help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Ohhhh yeah! Don't put logs into DropBox either. Each time ACP writes to the log, it creates a new version of the file. You'll end up with zillions of these. This is covered in the ACP docs relating to DropBox...

    Thanks for letting us know the resolution!!!!!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD (which does not support threading, sorry)
    -- Bob



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