I am having a problem getting my new guider setup and working. I just upgraded my OBS system to Windows 7 Pro 64bit,,,Maxim5.18 and guider to SBig STI Color.
From the guider tab in Maxim I can expose fine and calibrate just fine. From ACP I am able to use the calibrate guider script (east side of pier). I am able to track just fine on the West side and East side of the pier (using a very bright star).
The problem starts when I am trying to guide on normal guide stars lets say under Mag 1.
See attached file for screen snapshots.
I can see the stars in the image and they look good to me. Maxim or ACP (test guider script) won't locate any stars to guider from the initial exposure.
For some reason the log reads "exposure interval -1". My min exposure in ACP is 2 sec my max is 15 seconds.
I was wondering if there are settings in Acquire Support or Acquire Scheduler I need to adjust.
Once I do get a star to start tracking,,,I can see it in the guide box and it looks good (white star black background). Maxim never latches on it just reads Star Fade on every cycle.
Anyone see this before?
Mike Pooler