
Do you have the FocusMax log? Only if we have that can we be sure what happened.

BTW, ACP doesn't "give up" focusing. It just reports that FocusMax wasn't successful after one try (and one try only). So, why wasn't FM successful? My guess is that there was another star "too close" to the one ACP picked to focus on. Occasionally, ACP will pick a star to focus on that, according to the catalogue database, isn't a double. But, in fact, it is. FM usually can't successfully reach focus when this happens. A year or so ago, ACP added functionality to exclude these "bad" stars in the file BadBrightStars.txt. See ACP's help file to see how it works. This is the contents of my file.

 2:10:54     39 02 36
12:28:05    44 47 36
22:36:08    35 34 38
The first target where this is a problem is NGC 891; the second is M 106; the third...I forget (GSC).

AcquireStar will pick 3 stars to try to focus on. If it fails on the first, it tries the second, and so on. In that sense, it's a more robust process. However, it also takes a little longer, so there's a trade-off.

