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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Newcastle, Ontario, Canada

    Default Tracking Rate Goes from "Stop" to "Tracking" After Darks Plan Initiated

    I have already been in contact with Ray Gralak on this issue without resolution so I'll post here. I have version 5.00.03 AP V2 driver running under ASCOM 6 and ACP 6 (hotfixed). I have a bias and darks plan set up, and I soon as I run the plan, the scope tracking rate changes from "Stop" to the "custom rate". Not sure why it would so this since ACP should know that I'm taking darks and not imaging a real celestial target. I'm looking for a way to turn tracking off in my plan, but it isn't obviuos to me. The first time I did this to build a darks library, I found my scope pointing toward the floor after te darks library plan was complete.

    I think this issue is similar:
    Newcastle Observatory
    Meade 0.4m ACF
    Mathis MI-600 Fork Mount
    Van Slyke OMG5 focuser in SuperStack
    Optec NextGEN 0.7x (f/7.1)

    QSI 516ws
    Astrodon BVRI & LRGB
    -Gamma Ray Burst Coordinates Network (GCN)
    -MPC Observatory Code: H61
    -GTN Partner GTN-33
    -AAVSO Observer Code: CMJA

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    It's probably not related to darks/biases (probably being key). Be aware that ACP does play with the tracking rates (offsets) as well as turning tracking off. If Ray can't find this quickly, I'll help him by putting Pipe between ACP and the AP driver and we'll see what's being called by ACP, and which of those things are causing the AP driver to start tracking at a custom rate.
    -- Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Strongsville, OH



    Note, this driver is quite old and has been replaced. There are a few "gotchas" with this old version - specifically around the accuracy of the pierside data it reports right after a slew. I think I remember another problem, but I've forgotten what it is. I'd replace it with the latest asap. The version I'm using is 5.05.00, which was current as of mid-February. (I haven't checked if there is anything newer in the last couple of weeks.)

    I don't know whether this has anything to do with what you've reported here though.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Newcastle, Ontario, Canada


    Thanks Jim. I didn't realize I was using an old AP V2 driver. I was geting updates at the ap-gto Yahoo Group files section. What was there matched what I had, so I thought I was up-to-date. I should have checked though where there is a link to and the most recent version.

    After installing AP V2 5.05,00 and running my plan again, the scope tracking rate remains stopped.

    Newcastle Observatory
    Meade 0.4m ACF
    Mathis MI-600 Fork Mount
    Van Slyke OMG5 focuser in SuperStack
    Optec NextGEN 0.7x (f/7.1)

    QSI 516ws
    Astrodon BVRI & LRGB
    -Gamma Ray Burst Coordinates Network (GCN)
    -MPC Observatory Code: H61
    -GTN Partner GTN-33
    -AAVSO Observer Code: CMJA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    AP can point you to the right one also. Ray is their developer, and the driver is an officially-sanctioned and supported AP product.

    And Jim thanks very much!!!
    -- Bob



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