
I apologize in advance for posting this here. I’m having a problem which is clearly FocusMax or MaximDL. However I’ve posted the problem on the FMax and Maxim forums and haven’t had any takers.

AcquireStar routine stopped working. When it begins it's routine, it takes an image to find a star. But the window is a tiny 16 x 16 pixel window that opens in MaximDL. For some reason, the find star routine isn't taking a full frame image, so cannot find a star. (The frame looks to be about the size of a guide window.). I'm sure I've got a setting wrong in FMax or Maxim that's causing the problem.

Please see log info below. As you can see, FocusMax is saying that it cannot find the star. Within Maxim, it says that it’s taking this tiny 16 x 16 image (which shows up on the screen and doesn’t have any stars in it.) So, for some reason, the initial findstar photo isn’t a full-frame image.

The problem occurs through ACP, but also occurs if I open FocusMax and click on “AcquireStar.” I had AcquireStar working last week, so something most have broke.

Thanks for any help. And again sorry to bother folks on this forum.


Maxim log

Started 10.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 10.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Document event (64) - New file
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Started 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Completed 1.000s 1x1 exposure, binned 1x1, ROI (-16, -16)
Document event (66) - File closed
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FMax log

23:03:03 ** Beginning Focus run **
23:03:03 System: AT10 w STL11000M
23:03:03 LS: -0.022158 RS: 0.022136 PID: 57.31 NFHFD: 10
23:03:03 Move direction: In
23:03:04 Filter = Luminance (slot 3)
23:03:04 Current position = 2509
23:03:04 Focus Start HFD: 20
23:03:04 Min/Max flux setting = 100/500K
23:03:04 Find star binning = 1x1
23:03:04 Inital exposure = 1
23:03:06 FocusMax Error 9: Subscript out of range
Module modComponents Sub GetCCDImage
23:03:06 Halting - error in module getTargetStar
23:03:06 Could not get CCDImage
23:03:06 Focus binning = 1x1
23:03:09 Error in modHFR Sub StarIntersectsFrameEdge
23:03:09 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:09 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:09 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:09 No star found
23:03:16 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:16 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:16 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:16 No star found
23:03:24 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:24 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:24 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:24 No star found
23:03:31 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:31 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:31 Error in Peak Subroutine
23:03:31 No star found
23:03:31 Can not measure HFD for this image
23:03:31 Moving to previous focus position of 2509
23:03:31 Focus not achieved with star 3 of 3 - trying next target star
23:03:31 Could not focus the telescope using 3 target stars!
23:03:31 Performing return slew of 23.3926 degrees
23:03:31 Slewing to: 05:36:39.7 Dec: 22:01:25.8
23:03:55 AcquireStar not completed