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  1. #1

    Default Simulating with FocusMax?

    I've gone through the forums+documentation and have set up the simulator at home so that I could start to graduate to my full setup at New Mexico Skies.

    At home. I'm unable to get to the final step of doing a v curve with Focusmax
    (ver When I start to run the first light wizard I keep getting the following error log :

    22:29:42 ** Beginning Auto VCurve run **
    22:29:44 * Start Find Star *
    22:29:44 Min/Max flux setting = 100/500K
    22:29:44 Exposure = 0.11 sec
    22:29:44 Find star binning = 2x2
    22:29:47 Target star found at X = 2086 , Y = 2159 Flux = 37453
    22:29:47 Binning = 1x1
    22:29:49 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak
    22:29:49 Increasing Subframe Width, attempt 1
    22:29:50 Star is too close to frame edge or is too weak
    22:29:50 Increasing Subframe Width, attempt 2
    22:29:51 Increasing exposure Time
    22:29:51 Total Flux = 20782, next exposure = 1.59 sec
    22:29:54 Targeting low flux setting
    22:29:54 Total Flux = 20824, next exposure = 7.67 sec
    22:29:54 Exposure > max exposure setting 5
    22:29:54 Stopping process
    22:29:54 ** Star is too dim **
    22:29:54 Total flux < min flux setting
    22:29:54 Can not find target star
    22:29:54 Stopping
    22:29:54 Stopping Auto VCurve


    Please HELP!!!!!!

    - aLV

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Al --

    This is relating to FocusMax, so I have moved it to the FocusMax section.

    FocusMax has a special "Simulator" system file
    (click for full size)

    You cannot run simulated with My System, etc. selected as that requires real skies. I suggest that you just skip hassling with AutoFocus at home while simulating, and just use it on your real observatory. The wonderful people at New Mexico Skies will set up your FocusMax for you and run your V-Curves as well as the filter/focus offsets run. You can "just use it" :-)
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Thank You, Bob.
    The folks at NM Skies are beyond awesome.

    - aLV



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