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  1. #1

    Default New version of Log Analyzer (with added graphs)

    Hi everyone

    There's a new version (1.1) of ACP Log Analyzer available for download from here: (link updated 10 May 2012)

    The main difference from the previous version is the addition of graphs (see attached screenshot). There are also a few minor bug fixes.

    Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on the last version - it's much appreciated!

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Russell Archer; May 10, 2012 at 16:39.
    Russell Archer
    LX200 ACF 12in, SXVR-H9, SX AO-LF, SX Lodestar, SX FW

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Rio Rancho, New Mexico


    very cool!

    I ran it on all my logs for the last year and my average pointing error is <.5' NOT BAD
    FWHM is 2.5-4"

    Very cool!

    Sandia View Observatory

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    YOW, great!!!
    -- Bob

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Redlands, CA


    Russ -- thank you for sharing this great tool! It's interesting and useful to study the trending from individual log files in this manner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Strongsville, OH


    For those of you who haven't yet tried Russ' Log Analyzer, you're missing something! It's really great! It's now up to version 1.24.

    I don't think anybody's said I will. ACP Log Analyzer is an outstanding way to get the times for the various ACP functions for your setup to be entered into ACP Planner. No more guessing or manual analysis required!

    I'd also be interested in how efficient everybody's observing runs are. One of the statistics given is total imaging time as a percentage of the total run time (ex waits). My setup usually runs at between 87% and 91% efficiency (usually only 1 or 2 targets). How's everybody else doing?



  6. #6


    This is a great enhancement. Makes reviewing logs quick and easy.

    One thought for future versions. It would be very convenient if for instance you were looking at the FWHM graph and see one of the points of the graph that you wanted to analyze. If you clicked on that point the log would automatically scroll to that time frame?

    Thanks for all your work on this.
    Jack Harvey
    SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team
    CTIO, Chile

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Good Lord - I hadn't made you a Wizard. Now you are!
    -- Bob

  8. #8


    Wow, thank you Bob!

    And thanks also to everybody for all the feedback on ACP Log Analyzer. It's now at version 1.27. If you've already got the app installed, next time you run it Analyzer will offer to download and install the latest update. If you don't have it already, you can download it from here:

    I really like the idea of being able to click on a graph data point and then for the log to scroll to the relevant point - I'll see if I can do that for the next version

    EDIT: Jack, I've added the feature you suggested.
    Now, clicking on any datapoint in a graph scrolls the log to the associated line. That's in version 1.28 (same download URL as above).

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Russell Archer; Nov 23, 2011 at 10:39.
    Russell Archer
    LX200 ACF 12in, SXVR-H9, SX AO-LF, SX Lodestar, SX FW

  9. #9


    Used the updated ver this morning. Thanks for the feature you added, very convenient.
    Jack Harvey
    SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team
    CTIO, Chile

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Virgil, NY


    Hi Wiz, er... Russ,

    Boy, this has come a long way from the first version. I use it too, and really appreciate what you've done. What a great effort.

    Please take time to have a turkey dinner (or maybe a pheasant dinner) this weekend in remembrance of your American ACP cousins who get a few days off this week to remember their British heritage.

    Pier-mounted Meade 12-inch SCT "classic"
    Optec TCF-S focuser
    SBIG CFW-8A and ST7-XME
    H-alpha, BVRI, RGB & Clear filters
    FOV ~15’ x 10’



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