I am posting this here so others who may be having a similiar problem can work together to resolve it. I have this posted on SB support forum and have spoken to Dan as well. Basically, when Scheduler via ACP sends a command to park, slew and perhaps turn tracking off, TSX responds with error 220007....telescope either synced incorrectly or slew limit exceeded.....their are now two posters on SB having this problem myself being one. The particluar position of the scope seems to have no effect. This happens randomly, either side of the meridian, elevation is not impotant. A weather safety script telling the scope to park can sometimes do it, random slew commands can do it. I've found no solution but its crushing my efficiency at night, I am getting only 4 hours of an availble 10 of imaging. I wake up, find scheduler dead, close the TSXPro error and restart scheduler and off it goes. Sometimes righ through to the morning. Wierd but true. Anyone else having this issue? I'm using TSXPro 5080 although 5100 did it as well..