What version of FocusMax should we be using with ACP now?
Jim Jones
What version of FocusMax should we be using with ACP now?
Jim Jones
To kind of answer my own question. It looks like there are two options out there. V3.4.40 and V3.6.12. After reading a bit it looks like 3.4.40 would be the best bet. I am using 3.4.30 now and having some problems. If this doesn't cure it, I'll be back
Jim Jones
Actually the newest version is v3.6.0.30 located here . Version 3.6.12 had some issues during v-curves with connecting and disconnecting the camera on every exposure with MaximDL. I had these issues with this version. I haven't tried the new version yet, monsoons!
Sandia View Observatory
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