I Bob, after several months of usage and steady learning curve, it is the moment to me to say how pleased I am you created this great software.
I spent lot of time to think about the purchasing or not of your package, mainly because of the expense involved. I used my observatory for a long time connecting remotely through a very slow connection and piloting the scope directly.
After I installed ACP I realized how powerful this program is and how easier it makes my operations. I would never get back again, it was one of the best investment I could make in my observatory.
I also want to mention the very fast response of Bob to support me during different issues I had to solve. Furthermore, I found some other people in this community (Hi Dick ^_^) very helpful and supportive.
If I have to recommend any piece of equipment for a remote imaging setup, ACP is the first one that comes to my my mind.
Thanks Bob
Marco Lorenzi