Hi all,
i am happy to announce my latest Version of
ACP Horizon Editor.
Because ACP changed the ActiveX- Interfaces in Version 6.0 the code has to be revised. I also revised the Helpfile.
ACP Horizon Editor is a 32-bit Application but should run also on a 64-bit System.
Actually it has been tested with Windows 7 64-bit and 32-bit
It also works on Machines with Win XP SP2 and Win XP SP3.
Looking at the support-notes from Microsoft, some ActiveX-Components are not shipped with their OS anymore so i provide the MSFLXGRD.OCX.
See the helpfile for information how to install a missing ActiveX-Component on your system.
To install just unzip the files into one folder and run the ACPHorizonEditor_V115.exe.
Last but not least a small hint: I added an option to make a donation, please make use of it
Use at your own risk and....have fun!
feedback is welcome..