I'm totally with Geoff and John - your images are an inspiration, particularly for those of us like me with less experience and skill!!
And it's not just me who thinks so... I was admiring your M90 image and had it up full-screen. My wife walks into my study and says, 'Wow! That's the best image you ever done'. There was just hint of a pause from me while a little devil on my shoulder whispered, 'Keep quiet kid, she'll never know - take the credit ... maybe she'll let you spend more money on fancy astro-imaging gismos...'.
In the end I had to admit it was a 'proper' astronomer, and not my own work. 
Personally I'd love to see lots more images from Jim and others, along with lots of 'this is how I did it...' type information.
Russell Archer
LX200 ACF 12in, SXVR-H9, SX AO-LF, SX Lodestar, SX FW