Have download ACP Planner 4.2.6 and already had SN 6.4.3.

My problem is there seems to be no funcional link between ACP Planner & S.N.. i.e no ref to selecting for ACP and I cannot find any plugin.

Have read Daniel Johnson's thread and Mark Kuehner's. But they do not solve my problem.

I have difficulty in following the above threads because e.g.

I do not see any "Sky Data\View" options in S.N .

In my S.N. I have: File Edit View Options Label LiveSky Favourites Window Help

In Options there are Presets but no ref to ACP.

In Help there is "About Plug-ins" but this lists only 2 Ascom and a Maxim Dl plug-in.

If you send me a "plugin" it would help me a lot if you could give me "child instructions" on loading in S.N.

Also, will this Plug-in do both the change in display referred to in "Getting Started with S.N" as well as enabling planner to work with S.N.

Sorry above is a bit wordy!
John Leach