Hi Bob,
Just wanted to give a big thank you for your superb work on ACP and ACP Scheduler. Over the last four months I have been involved in an intense study of the unusual CV called FS Aur. In this time period I have taken over 7000 images of FS Aur. I could not have done this intense work without your tremendous products. These data ( and the data collected by several others) will be part of one or two important papers on this oddly behaving star system. The papers are being written by a professional astronomer in Finland. Because of Scheduler and it's brilliant design, other smaller campaigns were sandwiched in between the FS Aur runs. Bravo, Bob!
In addition, because of your excellent support, I was even able to do some beta testing of the new releases of both products without impacting the FS Aur work! There is NO OTHER software of any kind by any other developer that I would have even considered beta testing while attempting to do this kind of work.
It has been over four years (I think) since I first installed ACP and I have never had even one second of doubt about my choice of automation software!
Thanks so much,
..george sjoberg