Steve -- I didn't make myself clear either. I don't use the DDW program, only the TI driver and allow ACP to run the dome. I don't use The Sky at all for providing any info to DDW.
When I start a plan for the evening, I connect ACP to the telescope and camera. I open the dome control window in the ACP panel and even though the shutter is closed and dome at home position, ACP doesn't know it and the "shutter error" is highlighted. I then click on "park". Of course the dome and the shutter don't move since they are already parked. The shutter error message disappears then.
At that point, I can manually open the shutter by clicking "open" or allow the plan in ACP to open things up assuming #domeopen is at the beginning of the plan. Once the shutter opens, the dome moves to the Azimuth of the telescope (plus the offsets) which is usually in it's parked position when starting up.
This is how I've had ACP and TI driver coordinating things for the last 4 winters. Until this winter, the plans would run completely most of the time but once in awhile, stop along the way when the drop out between ACP and the TI driver happened. For some reason this winter that seems to only rarely happen. I really haven't changed my startup routine as described above.