Thanks for the reply. From TheSky 6 help file:
"Use this command to temporarily suspend communications with the control system that is selected in the Telescope Setup command. This command does not break the link with the device, but you can move freely around the sky while the link is suspended."
So with a suspended link, how is DDW getting the telescope position to move the dome? Are you TI driver or DDW? What I'm looking for is a work around till the new TI driver is true and tested which may yet be a long time coming. Typically only one object would be imaged in a nights time so once the scope and dome are correct for the given target it's just a matter of keeping the dome shutter centered for the telescope. I hope I'm conveying this properly. If TheSky's communication link is suspended where is DDW getting the mount position information? Somehow DDW needs to know where the mount is so the shutter is centered.
To clarify, the TI dome driver will not work on this system at all so it's not in play here.