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Thread: DDW and ACP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Scottsville, Virginia

    Default DDW and ACP

    Is there any way for DDW to talk to ACP? As is, the TI dome driver is broken and can not operate with ACP on this system. DDW does have the option to slew with TheSky. When not connected to ACP, DDW does keep up with the telescope while connected in TheSky but if I connect to ACP, even though the dome is not connected, the dome no longer keeps up. I know the best solution is a new driver but that remains elusive even though it's been "ready in a week or two" for months. I don't much care at this point about opening/closing the shutter as I can do this manually.

    Scottsville, Virginia
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Placerville, CA



    We (at SSRO-North) used to have lots of problems with our dome and ACP. We would get frequent dropouts in the communications and the dome would then close. We went to a system where we used DDW itself to control the dome (reading the telescope position file written by TheSky). In this mode, ACP wasn't controlling the dome at all and DDW was good at following the scope -- the method worked well. (With one proviso -- when we did a meridian flip, ACP would sometimes try to start imaging before the dome got around.)

    In the last month or so, we installed a new computer down there and in the process, updated to ACP version 6. Since we did that, we haven't had a dome drop and ACP is now controlling our dome very well.

    So... Are you running ACP 6? I think it help to have the latest version. And, if you are using DDW to follow the scope (and the dome follows when using TheSky), I think you should be ok when ACP is controlling the imaging plan. Just make sure that ACP doesn't think its controlling the dome as well.



  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Scottsville, Virginia


    Hello Teri,

    At this point the version of ACP is 5.1 with hot fix 11. It's been down about 1-1/2 years due to the TI driver issue. This is another customer's observatory but one that I end up doing almost all the setup and troubleshooting on. Lucky me. Anyway, I didn't notice which version DDW was but know it was current 1-1/2 years ago when I installed it.

    If I understand you correctly, have DDW set up to use TheSky to get the telescope position as we have it now using the check box on the main screen. Is there anywhere else DDW needs to know this? I seem to remember a setup page that, along with the geometry information, had some other dialog but am not certain what that was. In ACP, do not set up dome control.

    I prefer to stay at ACP 5.1 for the moment on Ed's observatory at least until the new TI driver is delivered and tested.

    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
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    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Royal Oak, MD


    Steve -- I too used to have many drop outs between ACP and DDW causing the plan to stop in it's tracks. I only use this obsevatory Dec-March each year and that was last winter. This winter I've only had the drop out once or twice. I am running ACP 5.1 hotfix 11. I'm not sure when I upgraded to hotfix 11 but could maybe figure it out if you like.

    One thing I'm doing differently this winter is using The Sky only brief times to go to an object and then I suspend The Sky's telescope connection. Use to be if I terminated"the telecope connection, ACP would close down so I switched to "suspend". Even so, I rarely connect The Sky anymore.

    Even stranger is the fact that I use another obsevatory April-Nov, with a different computer running the same software, ACP 5.1hotfix11 and DDW without any problems. This obsevatory is on 12V DC power. The winter obsevatory is on 120V AC power so I thought there might be some relationship and shielded all the cables between the computer and DDW box but still had the drop outs until this winter.

    Joe Morris

  5. #5
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    Scottsville, Virginia



    Thanks for the reply. From TheSky 6 help file:

    "Use this command to temporarily suspend communications with the control system that is selected in the Telescope Setup command. This command does not break the link with the device, but you can move freely around the sky while the link is suspended."

    So with a suspended link, how is DDW getting the telescope position to move the dome? Are you TI driver or DDW? What I'm looking for is a work around till the new TI driver is true and tested which may yet be a long time coming. Typically only one object would be imaged in a nights time so once the scope and dome are correct for the given target it's just a matter of keeping the dome shutter centered for the telescope. I hope I'm conveying this properly. If TheSky's communication link is suspended where is DDW getting the mount position information? Somehow DDW needs to know where the mount is so the shutter is centered.

    To clarify, the TI dome driver will not work on this system at all so it's not in play here.


    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Dual Chip CMOS
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    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
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    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Royal Oak, MD


    Steve -- I didn't make myself clear either. I don't use the DDW program, only the TI driver and allow ACP to run the dome. I don't use The Sky at all for providing any info to DDW.

    When I start a plan for the evening, I connect ACP to the telescope and camera. I open the dome control window in the ACP panel and even though the shutter is closed and dome at home position, ACP doesn't know it and the "shutter error" is highlighted. I then click on "park". Of course the dome and the shutter don't move since they are already parked. The shutter error message disappears then.

    At that point, I can manually open the shutter by clicking "open" or allow the plan in ACP to open things up assuming #domeopen is at the beginning of the plan. Once the shutter opens, the dome moves to the Azimuth of the telescope (plus the offsets) which is usually in it's parked position when starting up.

    This is how I've had ACP and TI driver coordinating things for the last 4 winters. Until this winter, the plans would run completely most of the time but once in awhile, stop along the way when the drop out between ACP and the TI driver happened. For some reason this winter that seems to only rarely happen. I really haven't changed my startup routine as described above.


  7. #7
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    Scottsville, Virginia


    That's the issue here. The TI dome ASCOM driver works for some and doesn't for others. It did work on the old system but when that died the new computer would not work with the TI driver. Seems some can have no problems while others will hence the new PI driver that is suppose to be written but has been months if not longer overdue. It's been maybe 1.5-2 years in the making with no end in site.

    I'm looking for a temporary way to have the dome work, if possible.

    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
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    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    To get things working for me... In the Telescope Slaving portion of the DDW configuration, I select "Use TheSky Level VI Telescope Log" button and then enter the telescope log position in the file box. For me, its C:\Program Files\Software Bisque\TheSky6\Data\User\Telescope Position.txt I suspect you can set the sky up to have in a different location. This way, DDW follows the telescope position as controlled by TheSky and ACP is not involved. Note, we do set up Scope Mount Properties to reflect our observatory.

    This has worked well for us (except, as I said, at the flip where ACP will sometimes star imaging before the dome has completely moved around).


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Royal Oak, MD


    Sorry to not be of any help. I thought you were having the "occasional" "frequent" drop outs of communication between ACP and the TI driver. When you say "it's broken", what do you mean?

    I too have been waiting one year for the new TI driver.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Scottsville, Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Morris View Post
    When you say "it's broken", what do you mean?

    I too have been waiting one year for the new TI driver.

    Broken as in it doesn't have any affect in ACP. There is no communication at all. I spent time with Bob and Gerry on this and may have been the push to get a new driver. I appreciate the info non the less.

    Scottsville, Virginia
    ACP Expert
    Mach 2
    Tak EM200
    AP 92mm Stowaway
    OGS 12.5" RC
    TAK FSQ-106ED
    ZWO ASI2600MC Duo Dual Chip CMOS
    Pyxis 3" Rotator
    Aquila-88 Rotator
    Starlight Xpress UltraStar Guider
    12' Astro Haven Dome
    Roll off Roof Obs.

    ASA600 24" f/7 RC
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