DFM Telescope control
Hi Bob,
A while back we spoke about controlling my meade via the ACP.Telescope hub from python. I got this to work great (thanks for your help with that).
I have some friends in India with a 1.3m DFM telescope which they can control with the sky. If they download the sky controlled telescope driver (and the ASCOM platform etc) can a similar python program speak with their telescope. I am asking here as the ACP forum always has the best answers.
In my previous program i used the line:
'myScope = win32com.client.Dispatch("ACP.Telescope")'
To connect to my 16'' Lx200 via the ACP hub. Can I use something in place of "ACP.Telescope" to speak with the SCT driver?
Thanks in advance,
James McCormac
Phd Student,
Queens University Belfast,
Belfast, U.K.
Student Support Astronomer
Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
Santa Cruz de La Palma
La Palma
Canary Islands, Spain
kit: Paramount ME, 2x Takahashi Epsilon-180, Meade 16''
LX200GPS, Robofocus, Andor iKon-M Camera, FLI Proline Camera, Orion 120ED Refractor, Orion SSAG