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  1. #1

    Default "ACP Telescope Hub" does not appear in ASCOM Chooser

    I have been using MaximDL5, Pinpoint(full), FocusMax, and The SKY6 for over six months now. They have all been running successfully on my 64 bit laptop under Windows 7 64 bit. I have been imaging with good results using the Autosave feature of Maxim I have just downloaded and installed the trial version of ACP and Beta version 6. I am able to follow the steps in "Getting Started" and the telescope connects OK and the displays activate.

    My problem occurs during "Getting Started Step 5" in paragrap1 where it says to select "ACP Telescope Hub (ASCOM)" in the ASCOM Chooser. There is no sign of the "ACP Telescope Hub (ASCOM)" entry in the ASCOM Chooser.

    I have read a similar post by Gavin Boyle dated May 27, 2010. However there is no mention of a cure. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Let's set up a time when I can log into your system. That'll be the fastest way to get to the bottom of it. Before we get together, download the remote assistance tool and save it to your desktop (or anywhere else you can remember). No install needed. Are you available during the week? Maybe one evening? Where are you (time zone)? I'll do my best to accommodate your times.
    -- Bob

  3. #3


    Hi Bob,

    I am located in San Jose, CA. Time Zone UTC-8, Pacific Standard Time. I am retired so most any afternoon would be convenient. Have to find the Remote Assistance Tool on the website first. If we need real stars, we expect clouds and rain here tonight and Sunday night. Thank you.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Clicking the link in my previous message "download the remote assistance tool" will take you to the remote assistance tool and its download.

    No skies needed... please call 480 396 9700 and you'll get our "office closed" message. Just wait then "press 1 to leave voice mail for Bob". Leave your number. I'll get that voice mail rather quickly. I can do it today if we can hook up.
    -- Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    I also have this problem. I have been looking for a solution high and low and am missing this option.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Are you around during the day? Call 480 396 9700 8-5 MST and I'll look at this. Y0u already have the remote assistance tool if you have ACP installed. I will also look at your other guiding settings and answer questions.
    -- Bob



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