Hello Tom,

In my case everything needs to connect automatically.
And the way I do it usually it works well but I dont like so much to see FocusMax connecting first the CCD camera.
I start first FocusMax (connects to TCFS focuser on) that opens MaximDL (connect to CCD on )
then ACP that connects at start to Scope (start the scope), CCD (already connected), Dome (started by ACP), weather station (on).

I have to start FocusMax first because if I dont I get errors Active X etc. and ACP cannot work properly. I spend a lot of time on this, and it is the only configuration working for me. I never found an other solution than starting first FocusMax and it is also the advice given by Bob I think.

So I dont understand why for some people like you it is ok to start FocusMax at the end ? Would be interesting to find why you are so lucky
I find a bit weird there is not a rule "this is the way the series of soft has to be started up" as obivously that has some consequences.

PS : I do nothing within MaximDL, sometimes when i'm testing I just connect the telescope and dome (after ACP) to see where the scope is pointing and if the dome is at the right place.
I never connect the focuser in MAximDL if it is connected already in FocusMax because I'm then getting in troubles.
