I've put together a beta of Planner for TheSky X. The Plan Capture and QuickCapture applets now work (with limitations) with TheSky X. The mouse wheel time control does not yet work, nor does capturing current telescope coordinates (FOVI capture works). The limitations are due to things that aren't yet working in TheSky X. When those features are available through its scripting interfaces the features should just start working. Never mind the info legends that say it's not yet working ...

In TheSky X, however, you can select time time controls and use the mouse wheel to roll time around that way. Try it. It's not that bad. As time changes, the timing info in the Plan Capture applet will update, reflecting your timing.

This requires TheSky X 10.1.9 or later. Also, if the applets find TheSky X, they will ignore TheSky 6, so if you need to use TheSky 6 with the applets, and are just playing around with TheSky X, don't install this beta.


And the Gemini issue for this, with more details on the status of this project:
