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  1. #1

    Default Using pointing corrector from night to night


    I am getting better at using the pointing corrector but how do I reliably use this between observing sessions. I park my scope and start off next time following a GPS update. I read somewhere that you need do a sync following power up. DOes ACP know it is a new session and does it do anything different or does it just carry on from where it left the previous night.

    Thanks David

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Strongsville, OH


    Hi David,

    ACP knows it's a new session so it automatically does a sync on the 1st plate-solve. After that, it just adds model points. (All automatic...nothing for you to do.)


  3. #3



    OK - so that would handle any RA/Dec bias that may have been introduced between sessions. I dont use Maxpoint but i gather it uses the first point or so of a new session to readjust the RA/Dec bias though with somewhat more interaction from the user

    Thanks David

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Strongsville, OH


    Hi David,

    Technically what's happening is the ACP hub intercepts all sync commands being sent by any software (ACP included) and only allows the first sync to get to the mount - taking care of any startup bias. From there, all syncs update the model. If MaxPoint is connected to the ACP hub, the exact same thing happens. If MaxPoint is connected directly to the mount, then the user has more control of what actually gets to the mount versus adding points to the model.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Jim, you're spot on! Thanks for helping David.
    -- Bob



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