This doesn't look anything like what I was given by the person who asked for (and got) SkyTools importing. Here's one of the samples he provided to me (there are tabs in this):
Messier 1 Observing List, evening of 2007 Feb 28 at Rock Hall, MD
Sunset 05:56p, Twilight ends 07:25p, Twilight begins 05:09a, Sunrise 06:37a, Moon rise 02:43p, Moon set 05:39a
Never completely dark. Waxing Gibbous Moon. All times local (EST).
Listing All Classes visible above the obstructed horizon before 11:57a.

Primary ID	Ap. RA	Ap. Dec
Butterfly                       	17h40m31.6s	-32°11'53"
M 7                             	17h54m24.7s	-34°47'43"
Praesepe/Beehive                	08h40m30.9s	+19°57'50"
M 47                            	07h36m56.9s	-14°29'47"
Pleiades                        	03h47m24.1s	+24°08'43"
Great Orion Nebula              	05h35m39.8s	-05°22'45"
Andromeda Galaxy                	00h43m06.3s	+41°18'35"
Planner is looking for the line that starts with "Primary ID". If that's not there it can't recognize the data as SkyTools data. If it is there, then it starts reading the lines thereafter, paying attention only to the first three fields, Name, RA, and Dec. Additional tab-delimited fields can be present but they are not used by Planner.

As you can tell, the output of SkyTools is not exactly machine-reading-friendly :-) and I just did what I was asked. I don't think there's a practical way to recognize and read all of the possible outputs of SkyTools...