ACP with HF9, MaximDL 5.7, Pxis 2" rotator, and SBIG AO8 unit. It appears that ACP is setting the wrong bump codes in the AO8 when the rotator driver is set to reverse. The sets up the correct sky position angle but the AO unit bump set-up is 180 degree wrong.
PA = Sky Position Angle.
RA = Rotator Angle.
AO Calib. = Drive settings in the Maxim AO window after an AO drive calibration at the indicated PA.
ACP = Drive settings in Maxim after ACP sets them during a run.
1 = true.
0 = false.
PA RA Rev X Rev Y Swap Motor Axis Drive setting source
0 90 1 0 0 AO Calib
0 90 0 1 0 ACP
90 180 1 1 1 AO Calib
90 180 0 0 1 ACP
180 270 0 1 0 AO Calib
180 270 1 0 0 ACP
270 0 0 0 1 AO Calib
270 0 1 1 1 ACP
It appears that ACP is setting the AO drive variables 180 degrees off. Does anyone know if this if a known bug in HF9. The Help files claim that ACP works with a rotator and an AO unit in this version.
Barbara Fehner