Hello all,
Astro-Physics is looking for a 2-3 beta testers for the new V2 ASCOM driver for their telescope mounts. Preliminary beta testing is well under way and a priority concern in the development of the driver is that it must operate robustly with ACP (and other ASCOM client apps).
So, if you are interested in being a beta tester of the new driver (using ACP as a client) please email Howard at Astro-Physics (howard AT astro-physics DOT com). Please mention in your email that you specifically want to test the driver with ACP. Other info that would be helpful to give to Howard:
1. Mount(s) you will use – if possible, please provide the mount serial number(s) and the GTOCPx control box firmware version(s) that you are using.
2. Computer OS
3. How is your computer connected to the mount? (i.e. direct serial connection, USB to serial adapter, USB server + adapter, USB extender + adapter, etc.)
-Ray Gralak