I would like to thank Bob for all his help with ACP, your product support is second to none! I finished my observatory in Oct. 2008 and read all I could about ACP. The automation of the observatory seemed like a very daunting task. When the time came to actually install and configure ACP, I had it up and running error free in 2 nights!, then came customizing it for me. That’s when Bob stepped up to the plate and was there for every question. I also use the AMC 100 from Foster Systems to automate the roll off roof, control my dew heaters, and monitor the weather. The integration of the AMC 100 with ACP was seamless! The hardware installation took only a few hrs., and making it work with ACP took less that an hr. It is very obvious that the two were meant to work together. The safety features that Stan has built into the AMC 100 shows the design was very well thought through and I never have second thoughts of closing the roof when remotely operating the observatory. I now can log in to the observatory from anywhere, bring all the components on line, run an imaging plan that when finished , will close the roof and shut down all the observatory components while I sleep!
Lastly I would like to thank everyone that has posted problems and solutions here. The forum has been a big help every step of the way. It’s a great community to be a part of.
Thanks Again,
Paul Burke