Hello Bob--
Happy New Year!
I have uploaded an updated version of FMx V3.4.18 to your site.
1. AcquireStar will now select stars form the catalog with increasing Alt toward zenith from current telescope position. This should avoid the possibility that a star is selected that is at or below a user defined horizon constraint (this bit me once).
2. Bug fix that now permits user to unselect Show Histogram at window startup
3. Added additional messages to Log pertaining to PP
4. Fixed a bug where FMx may not find the Help or Technical Paper file for some users.
5. Enhanced DimStar feature to use the user defined multiplier based on current exposure time until the minimum flux is achieved. It will no longer start at 1 sec.
6. Misc small bug fixes.
Let me know if you cannot find the file and I will email it separately.
Clear skies,