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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Central Virginia, USA

    Default Request for ASCOM roof driver code help

    I want to add a garage door opener to open and close my observatory's roll-off roof. I can easily program a Linux single-board computer to accept commands received on a serial port or Ethernet connection, and actuate relays to control the garage door opener.

    My problem is that I'm stuck trying to figure out how to write an ASCOM roof driver. The sample code from the ASCOM site assumes I'm using Microsoft's Visual Studio (I'm not -- I use SharpDevelop), and there is virtually no information about how the code is structured.

    Can anyone point me to a clear tutorial on writing an ASCOM driver? Or does someone have working C# (or VB) code they'd be willing to share with me? If I could get my hands on some code that doesn't require a Visual Studio project to compile, I'm sure I could work my way through it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    I know this is a delayed response... Does SharpDevelop know how to make assemblies that are COM (Windows Objects)? You could get the templates and unzip them (they are just renamed zip) and hand-substitute into the tokens. Maybe that will help??

    I believe that a version of Visual Studio that is sufficient to make the driver is available for free, if that helps.
    -- Bob

  3. #3

    Default why not buy one?

    To give you a little more perspective, why don't you take a look at my site: I've built up a package that does what you want and perhaps some things you'll eventually want. The package supports a garage door pushbutton on one end and the ASCOM Dome driver on the other.

    Stan Ralph

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Yeah, Ive seen Stan's package and it is very professionally done, including the software!!! Refreshing in the land of the tin-benders.
    -- Bob



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