November 2009 - You can now use plain text email
Since January I've been getting scattered reports of people receiving subscription email from the Comm Center that comes in as raw HTML. Yesterday, I finally attacked that problem and it took me a whole day! I found the bug and fixed it.
While I was at it, I reviewed the whole Email Integration forum "mod", and discovered that it can be configured to post emails in either plain text or HTML. Then I worked on the email-to-forum stuff until it handles incoming plain text emails reasonably well.
You can control whether you receive email-integrated emails in HTML or plain text by going to the User Control Panel (User C/P button at the top), Edit Options (click the link to go there now) and scroll down to see the area in the screen shot below.
I should update the video some day, but it was made with an old video editor I don't use any more, so I'll have to do it from scratch. Most if it still applies, only the part about needing an HTML emailer is no longer applicable.