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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Inverness, IL

    Default lx200 gps...Hardware or software

    I've been using my 10" gps for years with relatively little problems.
    The last 2 times I've been using the scope this is what happens. I use
    ACP, Maxim d/l, focusmax and the sky to control my observatory from my
    house. The last time I used my scope I was trying to calibrate the
    scope so I could use the centering feature in Maxim. When I start the
    process the scope moves half way across the sky versus the marginal
    movement in order to calibrate. Needless to say it will not calibrate.
    Additionally whenever I use the motion controls for the telescope it
    moves only in one direct regardless what direction or how much I
    select. The autostar hand control works fine and my goto's work fine.
    If I select a star to align on using the software the movement to the
    star works properly. It only shows up when I calibrate/center or use
    motion controls. I have the latest version of all software plus I am
    using 4.2g on the autostar. I've reset to factory defaults thinking I
    entered something wrong. Any insight into what might possibly going on
    would be helpful. Even if I don't use the acp hub and select the lx200gps selection in the sky I get a similar moves in one direction no matter what direction I select or how far to move. Any help is appreciated. So like the title is it hardware or software.


  2. #2


    Hi Jim

    I get the same, is not a problem with the software its just the way the LX200GPS works when asked to make small adjustments. For me the following happens. If I click on N,S,E,or W the star allows drifts East in the image if I ask it to move up to 6 Arc minutes. For me this is because of backlash in my system. Its also because I use consistant approach slewing and I have instructed the ACP to move the telescope so it always approaches the object in the same direction. So for me I just have to ask the drive to more a bit more than I need but it does get there. This is also the same with using centering in Maxim. In the end I don't mind that object is not dead centre as long as I can see it some where around the center of the image thats good for me. These are my observations only and they may be different for somebody else but I hope it helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Inverness, IL


    Thanks Paul, can you calibrate the mount and camera in maxim in the centering function? When I try this it moves significantly like you said in one direction. The star is no longer on the ccd. I had no problem with this prior to updating my autostar to 4.1b (I think that was the prior). I update to 4.2 hoping that would fix it. I'm also wondering if the training of my drives is an issue. Thanks again for submitting your thoughts.

  4. #4


    Hi Jim

    I use 4.2g and I cannot use the centre function in Maxim to great accuracy but it will calibrate. I do have a large FOV with the SXV-H9 that I use so losing stars has not been a problem. If you updated to 4.2g without retraining your drives then you will need to retrain. I use PemPro to centre objects. PemPro has a handbox facility that enables you to control your scope as if you are pressing your keypad buttons. I use Maxims focus facility, put a crosshair on the image and centre the object clicking on the handbox facility. I'm not sure if the centering programs send RA/DEC to the scope where as pressing the buttons on your HBX slews in that chosen direction. That works for me.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Inverness, IL


    I've been playing with the scope and I've gotten the telescope controls to work properly in the sky using the lx200gps driver. When I start acp and try the nudge features it slews much farther then the selected 1 minute and always in the same direction. Atleast I have isolated my problems to the ascom based products and not the scope....I might uniinstall everything and try again. Do you like PemPro? I've been considering it especially if I replace my lx200.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Inverness, IL


    I have definitely isolated the problem associated with the Meade driver(4.1.14). I re-installed the Ascom platform and used the driver for Meade that comes with the 4.1 version. After doing that all functions work properly. When I install the latest driver all my problems begin. For some reason when I sync my scope on an object through ACP say Venus with a ra: 02:55:52 and Dec:+17:37:16 with a current scope location of ra:21:05 Dec: 17:36 I get the confimation message select ok and for about 2 seconds ACP updates the Ra and Dec for Venus but then it immediately goes back to my starting RA and Dec. This is why my calibrations won't work the scope moves the appropriate amount except from a significantly different RA location than the one the scope is pointing to. So I can go back a few drivers and use my scope but some of the features in the latest driver would be welcome. Is there a setting I need to change?

  7. #7


    Hi Jim

    I just updated to LX200GPS Driver 4.1.27 I was using 4.1.26, I'll see what difference that makes if any. Once you've got past the learning curve with PemPro it works great. My PEC ERR is now down to +1.5/-1.7 from +17/-15 and as I said when I'm not using it for my PEC training I use it's handbox facility.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Hi guys, I haven't worked on the Meade driver for a few years. It's in the capable hands of Jon Brewster, who even visited the Meade factory a while back to gather unpublished data.

    My idea is to try the current driver build from Jon at It's called Meade P5 RC2. If you have problems I know he'll be interested. He's looking to get it right... for the current firmware versions at least...
    -- Bob

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Inverness, IL


    I have updated my driver to use Jon's latest and for the moment it seems to have fixed my problems. Unfortunately the weather has been terrible so I haven't checked it more thoroughly.


  10. #10


    This looks like a good place to report my LX200GPS problems (also described in another thread). All the bad stuff seems to have shown up after updating from 3.0i to 4.2g.

    Scope parking confusion. The new 4.2g firmware seems to have made parking even more deeply mysterious. The old Meade instruction manual was vague at best, but is now apparently wrong. I’ve downloaded all the info from Meade that I could find, but nothing explains parking with 4.2g. After many trials, I have never once succeeded in parking the scope. Can anyone give me a step-by-step?

    When the scope is tracking and being monitored by TheSky, there are occasional jumps in RA of 5 to 30 minutes, which last from a few seconds to 15 seconds or so. Images do NOT show the scope shifting in RA or Dec. In addition, TheSky seems very sluggish – button clicks can take 5 seconds or more to take effect.

    Problems with scope anti-backlash. This must be set EVERY time the scope is powered up or aligned, otherwise there is a 30-second delay between a slew command from a computer and scope motion. TheSky times out, reports an error (but actually keeps working).

    Any ideas anyone?



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