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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.

    Default MaxIm 7 failing when making web thumbnails


    The observatory has worked flawlessly for 6 weeks now. The latest week I have had some errors that I don’t understand. I know it often is hardware, but ewerrything seems to work.
    I attach logfiles. Any Idea?

    Best regards Niklas
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    // Niklas

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Thank you very much for the relevant logs!! The ACP acquisition for NGC 6960-SII 300s (1-12) ran perfectly. This error occurred at the completion of that run at 22:51:52. It is trying to send a completion alert to Good Night System? Are you using the Good Night System (GNS)? It looks like trying to send the Alert to GNS failed.

    If you're using GNS, try turning it off. Also can you look at the system when it gets to this state? Is GNS running OK?
    -- Bob

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.


    "Thank you very much for the relevant logs!! " Well, I might be a slow learner but eventually it happens.

    I find no error messages from GNS in the windows logs, I run GNS from 2019 V I turn it of for some time and see what happens. Also, I can check if there is a newer version. Actually, it has been the same behavior the other nights. I have been a bit surprised that all runs have been gracefully stopped before the error. GNS might be the problem.

    I’ll be back, this night is so far cloudy, so it might take some time.

    // Niklas

    // Niklas

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.


    Ok, a bit of follow up.

    I disabled GNS, that didn’t change anything.

    When I first started the scheduler this happened.
    2024-10-07 18:13:59.0: Send Observation IC 5070 to ACP Sequencer
    2024-10-07 19:02:03.2: ** Script interrupted by weather safety event.
    2024-10-07 19:03:33.5: ACPSequencer: Failed to get ACP's DispatcherEnabled property. ACP is compromised.
    2024-10-07 19:03:33.5: Det går inte att omvandla COM-objekt av typen ACP.UtilClass till gränssnitt av typen ACP._Util. Den här åtgärden misslyckades eftersom QueryInterface-anropet i COM-komponenten för gränssnittet med IID {854E05FF-33F8-49E7-83A5-49EC706F8F7E} misslyckades på grund av följande fel: RPC-servern är inte tillgänglig. (Undantag från HRESULT: 0x800706BA).
    2024-10-07 19:03:59.9: ACP ABORT: Acquisition process was interrupted by weather unsafe.

    This was the application error i attached an image of.

    I reconnected the camera and after that the scheduler seems to have worked most of the night but there is some errors, I attach the scheduler log.
    This one is me stopping the process because the camera frooze.
    2024-10-07 21:49:23.8: Send Observation M 45 to ACP Sequencer
    2024-10-07 21:52:21.9: **DISPATCHER INTERRUPT LEVEL 1 RECEIVED**
    2024-10-07 21:53:10.3: ** ACP script "AcquireScheduler" failed:
    2024-10-07 21:53:10.3: **Script Error**
    Source: ACP
    Message: The script was aborted.
    Location: line 1536 column 13.

    Scheduler continued its work but i have several errors like this:

    2024-10-08 01:27:50.4: Send Observation LDN 1392 to ACP Sequencer
    2024-10-08 01:36:54.4: ** ACP script "AcquireScheduler" failed:
    2024-10-08 01:36:54.4: **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
    Source: ACP Observatory Control Software
    Location: line 2584 column 5.

    2024-10-08 01:36:54.4: ACP ERROR: Run failed due to script error (see ACP run log)

    Any idea? It is a bit unstable
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    // Niklas

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    It seems to be intermittent. Strange. The problem happens when, at the end of an image (it seems) the Scheduler is trying to into Operator Intervention. Some sort of error happened in the main scheduler process. It has been caught, and its not one of the errors that indicate ACP is compromised. So the Scheduler thinks ACP is OK, and calls it to send an Alarm message to GNS. That call happens whether GNS is enabled (or even installed), and if ACP thinks it is active it will try to call it. But you have it disabled. In this case ACP will not try to call it. So this problem is happening (as the title of the error box indicates) when Scheduler calls ACP to send the alert. ACP is not getting the call, and Windows is raising that 0x800706BA error, The RPC Server is Unavailable. It means it cannot pass the Scheduler's request on to ACP.

    So at the time of this failure it's possible that ACP is really frozen and can't receive the call. And it might be frozen only temporarily. I noticed after one or more of these a very very long run completed OK, so ACP wasn't really broken or dead:

    2024-10-07 23:29:15.4: Acquire data for Observation IC 1396...
    2024-10-07 23:29:15.4: (belongs to Project IC 1396, Plan IC 1396-Luminance 300s (25-36))
    2024-10-07 23:29:15.8: Send Observation IC 1396 to ACP Sequencer
    2024-10-08 00:36:16.6: Acquisition time: 4021.1883184 sec.
    2024-10-08 00:36:16.6: Data for Observation IC 1396 of Plan IC 1396-Luminance 300s (25-36) acquired successfully.
    2024-10-08 00:36:16.7: Plan IC 1396-Luminance 300s (25-36) completed successfully.

    Can you think of anything that might have changed? This "just started happening"? This is difficult to solve from here. You may need to baby-sit your system and see if you can spot anything unusual happening.
    -- Bob

  6. #6
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    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.


    If anything have changed? I dont think so, but then it is Windows, Microsoft might have updated something that I dont remember or even are avare of.

    I keep an eye on the system and the windows logs and will be back if i find anything of interest.
    // Niklas

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Thanks Niklas -- I can't reproduce this here on W11 or W10. I keep them all updated. Plus I have traced only one problem in 10 years to a Windows Update... The Relational Database engine in Windows (called "Jet") was broken in a way that caused the database fille to grow a bit on each read. Eventually it would exceed 2GB and then fail. It could be "managed" by periodically compressing the SchedulerData.mdb file. It was fixed by MA in 6 weeks or so.

    I just can't imagine what this might be at the moment. I'm sorry...
    -- Bob

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.


    Hi Bob,

    I have the same problem almost every night now. I did a test with a run without Scheduler that worked flawlessly. This makes me believe that the problem is somewhere in the interface between scheduler and ACP or if there is something strange Scheduler does that ACP does not do??

    I attach all the logs for the night. (Disregard the strange filenames in the ACP run, I almost never use it without Scheduler, so it was not properly configured.)

    Any smart idea, or any idea?

    Best regards Niklas
    Attached Files Attached Files
    // Niklas

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    Hi again -- All of the problems reported in the Scheduler Logs starting with

    ACPSequencer: Failed to get ACP's DispatcherEnabled property. ACP is compromised.

    look the same, but the actual problems are within the work that is being done by ACP at the time. When Scheduler sends a job to ACP it just starts the AcquireScheduler script, gives it a number to find the Observation in the database, then ACP runs the actual acquisition 100%. The difference between your "ACP" run and your Scheduler runs is that the Scheduler uses the AcquireScheduler script and ACP runs a different script AcquireImages to acquire images from the ACP text file Plan. Since this is an intermittent problem, you would need to run multiple "ACP" plans to prove that it is "always" stable. This is a problem that happens while ACP is acquiring data via

    The ACP run logs tell the story:

    LDN 1392-20241008@012751.log (08-Oct-2024)

    01:36:42 Image finished
    01:36:50 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
    01:36:50 Source: ACP Observatory Control Software
    01:36:50 Message:
    01:36:50 Location: line 2584 column 5.

    LBN 589-20241102@162317.log (02-Nov-2024)

    16:29:47 Image finished
    16:29:56 **Script Error (Tracking has been stopped)**
    16:29:56 Source: ACP Observatory Control Software
    16:29:56 Message:
    16:29:56 Location: line 2584 column 5.

    M 33-20241102@173446.log (02-Nov-2024)

    18:12:45 Image finished
    18:12:55 [flip check: Tn=-1800s HAc=-11694s GW=F HAz=-13579s DWz=F WF=no]
    18:12:55 Imaging to M 33-bin2-Blue-300S-I008
    18:12:57 (taking 300 sec. exposure, Blue filter, binning = 2)
    18:12:57 (using 16 bit readout mode)
    18:12:57 (startin

    M 45-20241102@200408.log (02-Nov-2024)

    20:07:29 Image finished
    20:07:39 [flip check: Tn=-1980s HAc=-12776s GW=F HAz=-14846s DWz=F WF=no]
    20:07:39 **DUPLICATE IMAGE NAME - ADDED _dupe-

    NGC 6888-20241102@163002.log (02-Nov-2024)

    17:34:33 Image finished
    17:34:39 Run complete

    This last one ran successfully and acquired 12 images without a problem.

    The first two failed at the same place, AcquireScheduler line 2584, and that is where it calls MaxIm DL to create the web preview, specifically MaxIm's Doc.RemoveGradient() function. It failed and MaxIm did not return any error. This did not stop the scheduler, it just resulted in those Observations failing to acquire.

    ACPS Observation LDN 1392(1 of 1)
    ACPS Observation LBN 589(1 of 1)

    The second two ended with a hard error, freezing ACP.

    In all but the last case, the problems occurred after finishing one image and before starting the next. During this time, ACP is calling MaxIm to create those "beautified" preview images for the web.

    In all of the cases, I see that this is MaxIm 7.03

    MaxIm DL is version 7.03

    Did this start happening when you changed from MaxIm 6 to MaxIm 7? Do still you have MaxIm 6? Could you switch back (hand-start MaxIm 6 and see the Windows Elevation request to change which MaxIm ACP will use)?
    -- Bob

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Stockholm, Sweden.


    Well, I tried a run yesterday without Scheduler and it crashed so You are right it is not Scheduler dependent.

    It have happened after I changed to Maxim DL 7.3. I will try a run with MDL 6.X as fast as I can depending on the weather that is somewhat rainy this time of the year.
    // Niklas



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