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Thread: Summary emails

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    Default Summary emails

    This is more of a question for the community than anything but I am part of a project that has multiple telescopes in multiple locations. One of the tasks I've been asked to do as the project director for the Observatory / project is find ways to improve our observational efficiency. In past projects that I've been a part of that has meant custom scripts to create end of day summary emails. Each telescope would then author an email of what was done the previous night and what if any errors were encountered. I've included an example from a project that involved four CDK 700 telescopes that fiber fed a single spectrograph. While I understand the specifics of that project might be more detailed and technical than others might need, I'm wondering if the concept is useful for others?

    Another example can be found below from Wellesley College, with a script written by Jonathan Kemp.

    Looking forward to a conversation with the community,

    Dave Sliski
    Project Director - David R Mittelman Observatory
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