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  1. #1

    Default Dawn AutoFlat Issue After Win11 Update

    After the Win11 update "2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2", I ran into the USB "sleep" issue disconnecting the system. Once that was corrected, a new problem emerged trying to run AutoFlat.vbs for dawn flats (log below). This is the same flat plan that I have used for dawn flats for months.

    The problem is only with dawn flats. The same flat plan works if run at dusk.

    ACP console log opened 03-Nov-2023 11:57:00 UTC
    This is ACP version 7.0 (build 3, Production Release V7)
    Licensed to David Jarkins
    11:57:00 This is AutoFlat version 7.1.2
    11:57:00 Using flat plan defaultflat.txt
    11:57:00 Starting dawn flats. High Sun at 07:52:30
    11:57:00 Starting flat field acquisition.
    11:57:00 Doing 10 flats in I at binning 1
    11:57:00 Start slew to flat area...
    11:57:01 Switching from V to I filter for imaging
    11:57:01 Focus change of 600 steps required
    11:57:15 (wait for slew to complete)
    11:57:17 (slew complete)
    11:57:17 (tracking off...)
    11:57:17 Property write Tracking is not implemented in this driver.
    11:57:17 **Script Error**
    11:57:18 Source: ASCOM.SoftwareBisque.Telescope
    11:57:18 Message: Property write Tracking is not implemented in this driver.
    Probably an error in the flat plan at line 842 column 17.
    ACP console log closed 03-Nov-2023 11:57:19 UTC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Christchurch, Dorset, United Kingdom


    Hi David.

    Have a review of this thread, there may be something relevant.

    Another user did report in a separate thread that if the setting "Can Set Tracking" in the Bisque ASCOM driver "The Sky Controlled Driver Setup" was turned off due to some sporadic "glitch" then ACP failed with the same error message that you report.
    I would have expected that to affect normal image acquisition as well as flats, however one user did report that normal image acquisition worked ok and only flats created the error.

    Whatever, if you look at reply #5 in the linked topic above that shows how the old version of "The Sky Controlled Driver Setup" should be configured for a Paramount controlled by "TheSky".

    You can reach that specific Setup page from either ACP, or MaxIm.

    An earlier post in that thread (#3), which is rather disjointed now, shows the same "The Sky Controlled Driver Setup" page but for the current version of TheSky.
    As you are running an old version of ACP you are possibly running an old version of TheSky also and one or other of those snapshots should correspond to the version you have.

    Only other difference (that I'm aware of) between dusk and dawn flats is where the mount is sitting when the flat plan runs.
    For dusk flats a Paramount was most likely powered up and homed after which ACP would stop tracking and wait for sunset but dawn flats, following a nights imaging, would probably start with the mount being parked, tracking turned off and then wait for pre-dawn for the flats to begin.

    In that scenario, possibly, if the mount is parked with the OTA pointing on or below the horizon then the default state of "TheSky" is that tracking control is disabled, and that "might" generate that error in ACP when it tries to determine whether or not it can control tracking.

    Check in "TheSky" mount control tab, where you have configured the park position, and if that is with the OTA pointing at the horizon then change the park position so that the OTA is pointing a few degrees above the horizon.

    I no longer run a Paramount of my own, having changed mounts to one from a different manufacturer and there's nothing else I can suggest (or test for) but maybe the above is helpful.

    Beside the mount specifics, run Windows Update manually and just check that there are no other updates waiting and reboot the computer, just in case there are any partially installed updates waiting for a reboot to complete the process.


  3. #3


    Hi William,

    I wish I could tell you I found the source of the problem. I was fairly certain I had looked at the items you suggested before posting and went back this morning to try again. Everything works now. I tired the original AutoFlat.vbs and my modified version and both work as they had before.

    The only thing that might have cleared the problem is rebooting the computer. I remember cycling power to all of the equipment, but am not absolutely certain I rebooted the computer over the two days when the AutoFlat script would not run.

    Still, it is very odd that dawn flats were the only thing effected.

    In any case, I appreciate your quick response and will repost should the issue present itself again.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    TheSky can spontaneously get into a state where it reports that tracking can't be controlled. I think it relates to doing something apart from ACPs uses, like maybe doing a pointing model or ??? In any case it is this checkbox in TheSky's ASCOM settings that is the culprit. It has to be on. I have never determined what causes it to be turned off.

    -- Bob

  5. #5


    Hi Bob,

    Yes, I suspected I would find that box de-selectecd. I checked that a few times when it was failing. It always was checked. I did not try deselecting and re-selecting it. In any case, dawn flats worked on Nov 11th. Weather prevented me from operating last night and I hope the clouds will clear to allow operation tonight.

    It is still baffling that the system operated normally both nights with multiple targets and dusk flats and only failed during dawn flats.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    It is still baffling that the system operated normally both nights with multiple targets and dusk flats and only failed during dawn flats.
    During imaging, tracking being turned off is only needed for safety between observing runs. But it has to be off to take flats. Look in your logs for your imaging runs. You'll probably see this:

    **CAUTION: Mount tracking cannot be controlled.

    ACP is "forgiving" for this so while ACP is idle, if your mount runs your imaging package into the pier or you find your scope pointing at the floor or get a cable wrap, well. It's always good to look over your logs from time to time.
    -- Bob

  7. #7


    Hi Bob,

    I looked through several logs for flats and observing runs. That CAUTION statement does not appear. I see tracking getting turned off and on in the observing runs, but no errors.

    The issue showed up again this morning. I put some comment statements into AutoFlat.vbs to track down where the issue is occurring. It appears to be associated with "Telescope.Tracking = False". I commented out those lines one-by-one and was able to get the script to eventually run normally.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Mesa, AZ


    OK. You're running software that was released 9 years ago, before Windows 10 (and certainly Windows 11) were released. It's pretty cool that it is still running reliably eh? :-) :-)

    By the way, the reason you can't see the main support sections here is that your support expired 10 years ago, so to be fair to our other customers I think I've gone overboard to help.
    -- Bob



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